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"I don't want to be a Christian," said Emine Şerif. "I don't want it. She was swallowing after every word you said out loud. I hate Christians, especially the Greeks. I don't know them, but I hate them for their rights during the occupation of Eskişehir in 1921. Your words are perhaps the best words I have ever heard, but those around me People don't seem like that to me at all. For example, Christians still live in Sivrihisar district and I can't say that they are very good people. From the historical books I read, it is written that Christians held innocent villagers as Pasha. I stopped crying, Emine Şerife. Because the things inside had emerged again, everything that he could not remember for a long time, whose ashes remained in his soul and lay covered up, is now now. The stone was shattering again. She was entering her house, passing through the streets. Suddenly, new connections were formed. Everything was so clear that the young girl realized that she was actually experiencing what she sometimes thought was a dream. Every word she said was coming out of her mouth with a great effort, as if she was trying to capture the images of the living thing in her mind. He said let me tell you about my dream. That night suddenly I can't sleep. Let's hold me in his arms. I saw that it was my grandfather shaking with his dull face. A voice was ringing in the whole house and the house was shaking as if there was an earthquake. The screams were seen last year. But now I'm starting to understand. I can hear what they say. It's strangers, Christians. My father was shouting or I remember my mother. Why did he take me down into the darkness The blow took me through the wide dark streets There were still shouts of thanks and shouts The Greek soldiers were running with their long rifles with bayonets on them Then there was a man We were going with him When I woke up he was in the middle of my distant focus why and the man I was staying with now I couldn't see the city anymore but where we came there the sky was narrowed and We set off. There were two other girls with her. They were very beautiful. They came to my bedside every night and even tricked me. My father was so tall that you couldn't reach him by trying to reach on tiptoe. That's why he usually carried me in his arms. I never saw this dream again that day. Maybe it was "That Crazy" story about the War of Independence. I may have been under the influence of Turks illustrated novels, but in our schools, the inappropriate behavior of the occupation forces in accounting was always explained. The words echoed in a deep and sad silence and turned into a hopeless cry. Life, which had conquered him a few minutes ago with its bright appearance, was now in front of him with its newly ended boringness, and the teacher was careful about this fate. As he watched, he had already forgotten his purpose, he stood silently in front of the girl and he got so sad. Instead of telling what he wanted to say there, I want to sit down and cry with him. He felt like a crime this pain that Engin's love for humanity had unknowingly aroused in him. An hour ago, his hands had already changed against the great goodness. This is how he felt the waves that he didn't know wanted to carry him up to his life or pull him into dangerous waters. But don't be afraid, he felt equally sad in front of him, the only feeling that covered his heart was the many roads that were laid out in front of him and let me breathe into this new life. Duygu tried in vain to find the words with human love. All of them were very heavy. The trouble of a single memory is that even if it causes pain, why is it useful for dozens of words? Ebeni Şerife had a bitter memory about foreigners. She spent her childhood in Germany and was constantly insulted by other students in the class. She was subjected to words like a Turk. German students were not friends with her. In fact, we need to talk unless it is necessary. We should not hate Christians. It was more based on the cases she experienced in my childhood. The teacher caressed the girl's black hair surrounding her trembling face with his sleeve. The girl lifted her head and looked at her. If she was too confused, she fixed her hair at night and looked at the looks left and right as if she was searching. her face was pale. Now only the dark light could be seen in her eyes. She pulled herself together. She couldn't stop her sobs. She spoke quickly to stop her sobs. I have to go now. It's late. My father is waiting for me. He nodded to say hello. It would be the same as he collected his things. However, the man who looked at her safely and compassionately called the girl to him again. They got angry. You looked at the woman. Because there was a light of tears in her eyes, the teacher woman wrapped her hands with her own and, looking at her, she spoke, Emine Şerife. I know you had a difficult childhood and were exposed to racism. Now I wanted to leave and never come back. You believe it right away or you don't believe it. Because a television that comes from inside me is telling about you, the young girl's hands. Once again, he left the man in the hands of his teachers, more gently and safely, he continued with hope, but you still come, Emine Şerife, put everything aside, you, the happy ones and the sad ones, we will start my lesson tomorrow and I believe we will succeed, don't upset yourself anymore, leave the past in the past and don't mess with it anymore. tomorrow is a new oneWith this, when the young girl cried and nodded, Sanayi shook her head, she remembered her childhood love, that she fell in love at first sight, the blond-haired, blue-eyed German boy, and when she went to him and expressed his feelings, the boy humiliated her, and when Emine was leaving, this was about her life, I'm afraid with your hesitation, the same as before, but this time it's already darker and more intense. He took him back to his home with the awareness of a different field. Although he continued to believe in the miracle, he gave it to the belief that it was his sanctity, because he felt that life was a game directed by a divine Power. To believe in mysterious stories, he had to accept that it appeared on the face of someone who was perhaps more cowardly than Christianity. When he knew it was really based on racism. For example, the development of dark-skinned people was different. Even Bülent and people's toilets did not have this distinction. Racism was definitely rejected in his happiness. In this respect, it could be said that it was superior to Christianity. This religion, which coincided with the testimony of two women along with him, but with the testimony of a man, seemed better than Christianity to him after that. I wanted to be a servant of God like everyone else, instead of being a representative of the bed, I could do my best to do this picture and take it in some way. I wanted to be a servant of God like everyone else. When the time came, I could have been patient until he opened it. I thought it was wrong to follow the sign and not look for it. I remember his heart was gone over time. "Why does he want the miracle to be effective with this child, even though he didn't ask for it?" he asked. "Wasn't it enough for him to be grateful that another young life approached him cowardly and confidently in his life, which enthusiastically lifted him up to the sky like an old tree trunk reaching to its dry roots and lonely mountains?" I knew that what he said was a miracle of life. Didn't his life treat him well enough by offering him this opportunity? Didn't he reveal the path of worship that led to him in the square? In search of an idea that he could describe, that figure would never come to his feet. Instead of forcing the girl to know that she would never be able to perceive him, instead of forcing her to become her soldier? He was feeling mostly our shining autumn sun, it was a feeling that he felt very poisonous in the beautiful times. The light turned on slowly, then he started looking for an old book in the closet. Emine Şerife Uşak was thinking and leaning back while sitting in a comfortable chair. While she was standing in the same position. When Messenger did not keep her busy with different stories from myself and other lives, she was listening to what her husband was trying to say. The work was not progressing rapidly there and Sam had just taken the final form of all the ideas he had drawn. They could not even come close to impressing him in their figures. It seemed like something was missing. He couldn't prove it, so to speak, but deep down, he was so strong that his beard design was enough to write about it all the time. But none of them liked it. He didn't mention it to Emine Şerife. He won there. In fact, since the man next to him was experienced, he knew the artists. Like the fluctuating AFA, please don't interfere, it will show you something you want. It wasn't on the girl's face. In the end, the teacher was tired, that is, the person was experienced and I will harm you, I won't force them. He gave up his plan by trusting you. He thought about the options. He decided that he was not excited about the signs of Emine Şerife. He gave up painting you. Instead, I decided to paint you as the Virgin Mary carrying her child. I want to start your own faith right away. He fell into an inextricable pessimism due to the disappearance of the miracle in my dream. I took out the canvas in front of him, without telling Emine Şerife, and replaced it with a new one. I was surprised when I realized that the person who was an expatriate was a teacher. Gül tried to listen attentively, but she was clear about her conversations. If the woman's voice stopped, when the door closed, the man came in and walked towards her. The painter teacher. I want to introduce you to someone. A young person like you. His name is wonderful. He is also my student. Emin-i Şerife. When I saw the wonder, I felt like he was keeping it inside himself. But I wonder why he felt jealous. I couldn't understand, or was the painter expecting special marks against the teacher? The man stopped talking and started painting. Only the outlines were visible. Emine Şerife was very excited to emphasize the main idea of her work.I was looking away from the girl who was diving into the distance. There was no trace of her. Her gaze was filled with anger, as if someone was forcing her. Her gaze was constantly turning to the pictures and words that were playing on the wall and that she normally did not care about. Her hands reflected the same compulsion, that is, the rigidity of not having to touch the teacher. In this picture, the teacher had given a baby on her lap, and formed it on the knees of the child in her arms. I felt like I was trapped in pain, he was afraid to move, he was doing it when he was going to take them to the baby's mother, suddenly there was a newly married woman living in the family, the only thing that pointed out all this was a tense line on her face, and the teacher insisted on sleeping soundly, always with her conscience, the mother of the child she held in her arms was happy. He has a facial expression, he keeps saying that he admires the painters. Emine Şerife was getting sick when she thought that she had to exhibit the same cowardly behavior every day, even though she was relieved of the physical burden. And I swear, she went and told everyone to send it, she tells me that there is also something on display, I can't come near Harika while they are working, spoiled. Showing pans made her unhappy. She was wearing the shirt of the early teacher who came home. What would happen to her? This shirt made her feel like she wasn't the only one. There was nothing but underwear for the baby. I always wait for the fathers to give up on the one who doesn't take his eyes off her. He only gets more serious, but he never told me I couldn't succeed inside. Or don't make a secret threat. Then I move on to feeling sad with your wings open in the open sky. The words that came and went to your lips that you didn't like where you were waiting, stopped in the coffee shop, but when you keep returning to the same place and taking your discomfort with you, send the shame away slowly, because this job has become monotonous, there is nothing to understand one by one. At that moment, there was not a single improvement in the painting, but if I gave it to him, he was trying not to let him know about it. How was it that he tried a few colors with the external controls of the empty and unimportant figures standing in the frame? If it was great, he was thinking why didn't he choose him as the model? From there, he was always angry at the teacher, which is what the man wanted. If he hadn't gotten used to that thought and he didn't intend to rush something that you were looking forward to with hope. However, if he said your sessions were shortened for a certain period of time, he seems more satisfied and confident than he always is. And this time, his faith did not surprise him. He would have thrown it away to God one of those mornings. I needed a view. It was surrounded by the blonde that appeared from far away, the smoke coming from the chimneys that seemed to be close, who wanted to go down to the sea of witches, or Hopes, Sunlights in abundance, Beams of light, Thank you, rolling circles like small coins, Bright shapes that do not seem to burn in their wake, like animals that shed light on their sharper niches, leaping rapidly, with lady's eve and meaningless immunity. And her magnificent, almost pointed fingers woke the child from his sleep by gently touching the baby's head until the eyelids opened and he was running around and being stared at. When the child started to move grumpily in the sheriff's lap, even me, the Girl tried to protect him, even if unintentionally. He tried but he couldn't catch this defeat, it only served to increase his attention. When the red lights of the sun stopped, he tried to move his little chubby fingers that became visible inside them, and why did this Safranbolu pay a price for his little incomplete existence? Without realizing it, Emine Şerife's new difficulty was filled with something, by breathing out and causing him to struggle with the head of his child. Create, he left that game and watched without getting tired or guilty. That is, until then, they were watching without remembering themselves in existence. Until then, he thought only as a fleshy naked person in that small perfect body. For him, for the first time, a real human life was formed, and he watched every move he made with the curiosity of a child. The man was watching them without saying anything, he was afraid to remind the stubbornness inside the young girl with his words and the tangerine she had forgotten. I did not know that the happy smile of someone who knew the dominant life and it would disappear from her soft lips. According to the man, there was nothing interesting about it. I felt very close to one of the miracles of the Thief that repeats itself once again, this girl had loved and lost her children, but she had to open her heart to love and love again. That miracle starts from smart children and suddenly reveals the unrequited kindness of women, and that food goes back to the children, so she never loses her own childhood. He lived twice within himself, wasn't this the miracle of the man on the Virgin Mary, who remained a child among those he encountered, never got married, and continued to live in his own childhood? It's always a reflection of beauty in real life. No, I couldn't find it, and a life that is reaching, it seems, God is at every moment.I was looking away from the girl who was diving into the distance. There was no trace of her. Her gaze was filled with anger, as if someone was forcing her. Her gaze was constantly turning to the pictures and words that were playing on the wall and that she normally did not care about. Her hands reflected the same compulsion, that is, the rigidity of not having to touch the teacher. In this picture, the teacher had given a baby on her lap, and formed it on the knees of the child in her arms. I felt like I was trapped in pain, he was afraid to move, he was doing it when he was going to take them to the baby's mother, suddenly there was a newly married woman living in the family, the only thing that pointed out all this was a tense line on her face, and the teacher insisted on sleeping soundly, always with her conscience, the mother of the child she held in her arms was happy. He has a facial expression, he keeps saying that he admires the painters. Emine Şerife was getting sick when she thought that she had to exhibit the same cowardly behavior every day, even though she was relieved of the physical burden. And I swear, she went and told everyone to send it, she tells me that there is also something on display, I can't come near Harika while they are working, spoiled. Showing pans made her unhappy. She was wearing the shirt of the early teacher who came home. What would happen to her? This shirt made her feel like she wasn't the only one. There was nothing but underwear for the baby. I always wait for the fathers to give up on the one who doesn't take his eyes off her. He only gets more serious, but he never told me I couldn't succeed inside. Or don't make a secret threat. Then I move on to feeling sad with your wings open in the open sky. The words that came and went to your lips that you didn't like where you were waiting, stopped in the coffee shop, but when you keep returning to the same place and taking your discomfort with you, send the shame away slowly, because this job has become monotonous, there is nothing to understand one by one. At that moment, there was not a single improvement in the painting, but if I gave it to him, he was trying not to let him know about it. How was it that he tried a few colors with the external controls of the empty and unimportant figures standing in the frame? If it was great, he was thinking why didn't he choose him as the model? From there, he was always angry at the teacher, which is what the man wanted. If he hadn't gotten used to that thought and he didn't intend to rush something that you were looking forward to with hope. However, if he said your sessions were shortened for a certain period of time, he seems more satisfied and confident than he always is. And this time, his faith did not surprise him. He would have thrown it away to God one of those mornings. I needed a view. It was surrounded by the blonde that appeared from far away, the smoke coming from the chimneys that seemed to be close, who wanted to go down to the sea of witches, or Hopes, Sunlights in abundance, Beams of light, Thank you, rolling circles like small coins, Bright shapes that do not seem to burn in their wake, like animals that shed light on their sharper niches, leaping rapidly, with lady's eve and meaningless immunity. And her magnificent, almost pointed fingers woke the child from his sleep by gently touching the baby's head until the eyelids opened and he was running around and being stared at. When the child started to move grumpily in the sheriff's lap, even me, the Girl tried to protect him, even if unintentionally. He tried but he couldn't catch this defeat, it only served to increase his attention. When the red lights of the sun stopped, he tried to move his little chubby fingers that became visible inside them, and why did this Safranbolu pay a price for his little incomplete existence? Without realizing it, Emine Şerife's new difficulty was filled with something, by breathing out and causing him to struggle with the head of his child. Create, he left that game and watched without getting tired or guilty. That is, until then, they were watching without remembering themselves in existence. Until then, he thought only as a fleshy naked person in that small perfect body. For him, for the first time, a real human life was formed, and he watched every move he made with the curiosity of a child. The man was watching them without saying anything, he was afraid to remind the stubbornness inside the young girl with his words and the tangerine she had forgotten. I did not know that the happy smile of someone who knew the dominant life and it would disappear from her soft lips. According to the man, there was nothing interesting about it. I felt very close to one of the miracles of the Thief that repeats itself once again, this girl had loved and lost her children, but she had to open her heart to love and love again. That miracle starts from smart children and suddenly reveals the unrequited kindness of women, and that food goes back to the children, so she never loses her own childhood. He lived twice within himself, wasn't this the miracle of the man on the Virgin Mary, who remained a child among those he encountered, never got married, and continued to live in his own childhood? It's always a reflection of beauty in real life. No, I couldn't find it, and a life that is reaching, it seems, God is at every moment.He knew it was a dream And this was life, not just in the blue breasts and the general smiles. This was the talk of unconsciously wasting the world, which was always in his family's inheritance. Even though she was not a woman, she was begging for the support of her feminine majesty. She was now full of love for people. She was full of love. He also forgave that handsome German young man who provided it. It had a much darker tuft and male parts. However, everything was nothing but a circle game where merciful ideas and secret desires still danced with the joy of my mind and stupid dreams, how do children hold their rag dolls in their arms? If they were hiding it, he was doing the same. He was looking into the distance and diving into the world of dreams, as if he were a mother carrying her child. The man had noticed this change throughout his life. Although he was not a stranger to the young girl now, he was certainly further away from his labor. He could not help but be happy with the drastic change that made Şerife look like a woman. He thought he could destroy it in some way. It took a long time for the bitter love that Emine Şerife felt for the child, compared to a UFO. Many different images that captured his beauty came to life in front of him. It wasn't too long ago that everything was so beautiful. I played it. Emine Şerife is not in a state of great happiness, but as if her eyes were at peace. It was opening up, the child was trying to catch the young girl's chest with his own clumsiness, expecting a mother to give him, Emine's embarrassed feeling made her cheeks like fire, but the feeling that filled her was not not wanting, I just had happy news, the maoka that flowed was an excitement, I fell in love with my painter again after years. and this time it was the formation process of the picture they always saw in another country and if he showed you a love, it revealed happiness not from a man's peaceful heart but from a mother's look, a magnificent work was emerging silently, he loved it even for hours, a child playing and a young man winning He entered there with compassion, as soft and bright as the shapes he had never tried before his head surgery, the divine fire of the night, the rings in front, Destiny. It was one of the secrets of life that revealed this. Because throughout his long productive life he always added line by line with great possibility. For the first time, without having any idea what it would look like, he wanted a unique formation and development arising from his own painting. There anger grew in folk tales. How the spirits secretly entered his works, but the next If the day was made with a drug that would make people see that it was a good evening and the night was over. I felt the same way about Conscience as I looked back at the painting and examined her eyes after hours of creativity. The thought of the miracle had taken over the mind of her heart, which was no longer willing to let her in, because that's why I came to my restaurant not just like the fruit of all her effort. It seemed like something much more distant and sublime, something that was not suitable to carry as the crown of the painters of the donkey level. As the happiness of the teacher made him go deeper and into a fearful mood, it scared him to find himself, it turned into the right piece from his work. For this reason, Emine kept a distance from Şerife and her father because The young girl was only the helper of a mortal miracle he had created, he looked after her with his usual affection, but she was full of divine dreams, like her old faith in the town My vulgar power of life suddenly began to look miraculous in her eyes, who could give her the answer, the holy book was old, but her heart was material and was in the middle of her life, my god was her wings approaching the world? Did he have permission to ask the signs of tarhana? Were they in the world today or just throughout your life? Was it from your fate? It's mysterious from your life. Even though it was very easy, the man did not insist on finding an answer. They don't tire her now. She was closing her painting with anger every night. After all, when she came home, when she came home and saw the bright light of the moon illuminating it with its rapid sacredness, she almost left a mark in front of the works she had created by praying for those times. Something happened that shook her with extreme and incredible pain. She felt the first signs of growing up, and she became a woman who reached childhood. The darkness where no one can guide or tell the truth. Well, while you were paying attention to the distance between its lights, an extremely interesting complexity was filling your soul. At the same time, there was a girl inside me who lost her way. He showed the stubbornness of staying away from all deceit and not saying a single unimportant word to those around him.Now, they have dragged him into the middle of his days in this damn dead-end street like a curse. Because like a fruitless seed, he could not perceive the different cuteness in this situation because of his stubbornness and left behind a lonely gap.

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