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Long awaited I have finally finished and put these one shots together. I've been meaning to do this for a while and bada bing bada boom here we are! Thank you for your patience with this series. I started this with just an imagination of what their future would be like together and this is what developed from those few ideas.

The series is nine one shots long, Living Room Floor being an epilogue. I hope everything flows together and there isn't any questions unanswered. These one shots are based on important events in anyone's relationship allow the focus of these is Rydellington.

I found out about the band ages ago through watching auslly videos because who doesn't ship them? I always thought they were dating and then when the movie came out I flipped and every time something happens between them it's the whole scene over again. I don't there is two people more perfect for each other than Rydel and Ellington. 

I'm proud of the work that R5 has accomplished in the few years that I've known them and the seven that is has taken for them to get here. I can't wait for the new album and tour. *Keeping my fingers crossed they will come to my city.* 

In putting these together and writing them I compiled a Pinterest board: https://www.pinterest.com/kapoey/book-wattpad/ of my ideas and inspirations for these one shots. There is also photos and what not I have for an idea I'm working on right now. It won't be out for a while but there are some hints in Like a Princess and Living Room Floor.

I have edited and added things to some of these to fill them in a bit and give some more detail. I'm sorry if some of them aren't long enough and for the massive cliffhanger in I Bet I Could Make You Happier. When I was editing it I was so tempted to finish it but I think I like it better with the cliff hanger. 

My favorite is Living Room Floor it was the easiest to write and I relate to that story really well. It sort of just came out of nowhere. Nightmares part #1 and #2 I have experienced fist hand. I have some pretty crazy dreams. I love hearing your opinions and comments. (* talir5 *) Anything is appreciated and doesn't go unnoticed.  

I've recently run out of fanfics to read so if you've got any good ones shot them my way and I'll check them out. I follow back so fell free to do so. I just finished a raura story called "Just Breathe" by divapurple. Unfortunately it's been deleted but I really liked that one. "Near the Death" by wonderland_smile is a really good book,  I hope she makes a sequel. And I also love "The Dead Don't Sin" by arefive that book is amazing, the ending was so unpredictable. 

With each one shot there is a photo and song that either goes with the themes of the one shot or I'm just obsessed with so I put it in. Please check them out, most of the songs are acoustic. I personally love acoustic or live songs and the sound goes really well with these types of stories. My pinterest has additional photos and scenes that I found to go with the one shots. I hope that you find them helpful to paint the pictures in your head.

I really hope you enjoy these. I have put a lot of work, effort and time into them to make them great for you. It's been a long work in progress but I'm happy with the outcome and development of my writing that these one shots have helped with. I find writing easier and more enjoyable now, if I'm interested in the topic. *I have to write a sci-fi short story when I go back to school next and I have no ideas.* 

Thank you for your support. xx Bubblez

P.S. Internet high five if you get some of the references in the one shots or guess my upcoming story.

The Boardwalk Rydellington Oneshot SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now