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Y/n pov:

I woke up by the sunlight coming into my room. "Ughhhhhhhhhh" I groaned not wanting to wake up. "Hmm I'll sleep just 5 more minutes" as soon as I said that I received a text from my bsf.

Shrek's hot sister 🤗

Her (I'm too lazy to write the name)

Gril r u awake?
We gotta go to college😁

Bro I js woke up

Well too bad get ready fast😤

Okay mam

"I don't wanna go to hell again" i thought to myself before going to the bathroom to get fresh. Well I was right about college it's hell. after getting fresh I chose a outfit for today. "Hmm I want something that screams " slay" I thought to myself and chose something to wear.

(The outfit)

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(The outfit)

I wore my outfit and went to the kitchen to get a piece of toast and then started to walk to campus, campus wasn't too far it takes 10mins when walking.

After arriving to campus I go in the building and see my pookie I mean friend waiting for me. "Girl what took you so long? " she said annoyed. "Bro I was sleeping, can't I sleep in peace? " I say dramatically. "Whatever shut up and get to class or else ur gonna get your ass whooped" she said while jokingly rolling her eyes. "Fine madam" I say annoyed af.

I began walking to class and arrived just 20secs before the teacher came.
The class was Boring af making me zone out most of the time.

Time skip(cus idk anything abt college😁)

After college (bro this sounds weird)
Me and my pookie wookie I mean friend went to our job, it was a nice restaurant. After arriving we wore our uniforms and did our job. "Y/n!! I need you to serve those customers immediately!" A girl told me. "Okay on it!!" I said before hurrying to the table. "Good evening ma'am and sir, what would you like to have today?" I say nicely after bowing to them. "Uhm we would like to have a Peparoni pizza please and to drink I'll have water, he'll have a pepsi and the little one will have a strawberry milkshake" the lady told me as I wrote everything down "okay that's everything right? " I say as the lady nodded her head.

"Okay here you go" I said as I brought they're food. "Thank you dear" she told me with a smile.

After my and my besties shift ended we went to my house to chill. "Bro what should we do know? " yunjin said bored. "I don't know what do you think we should do????? " I give her a simple question. "Hmm maybe we should draw something" she said excitedly. "Hmm okay fine" I say before getting 2 sketch books and some pencils and erasers. You see yunjin loved drawing and thought me alot, drawing was her passion. After awhile we finished.
Yunjin loved herself so she drew her (as she should)

 Yunjin loved herself so she drew her (as she should)

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