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"Where do you think you're going young lady?" said soobin furiously.

"Oh i- a I was uhm going to the backyard but go lost, thankfully you guys found me hehe. But aren't you guys supposed to come home a little late? " I say with a nervous chuckle.

"We saw you through the cctv when you were trying to escape" says soobin walking towards me while I back away.

"Didn't we tell you to not escape???? " said yeonjun angrily.... "I.. I was not trying to esc-" before I could explain yeonjun cut me off by saying "HOW MANY WARNINGS DO WE HAVE TO GIVE YOU HUH???? CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND YOU'RE OURS NOW?? " he said yelling at me making me scared. "I I I'm sorry please don't hurt me" I say scared
I was scared asf and didn't know what was coming...

"Sorry isn't gonna fix it!!! " Soobin grabbed my wrist and pulled me to my room and pushed me on the bed.
"Stay here!!! " he said aggressively and went to the balcony to lock it and he also locked the windows. "This is your punishment you'll stay here as long as I want you to!!! " he said harshly. "Hyung don't you think you went too far? " said hueningkai making beomgyu nod.
"She just got here and she bearly knows us so it's fair that she tried to escape" said beomgyu coming towards me and pulling me into a hug.

I didn't know what to do so I sat there.

"She deserves it for trying to escape we gave her enough warnings! " said Soobin angrily. I could feel he was mad asf. He seemed so calm but this is kinda scary in my opinion.

Taehyun and yeonjun didn't say anything they just stood beside the wall leaning onto it.

"Aww my poor baby~~ don't worry I'm here" said hueningkai shoving beomgyu away to hug me.

"Yah I hugged her first you jerk!! " said beomgyu making hueningkai stick his tongue out. "Don't care won't care" said hueningkai.

"It's time for the punishment I'm get out I'm gonna lock the doors!"

"Bye baby love you!!" Said beomgyu kissing my cheek and hueningkai did the same thing.

Then they all left and soobin locked the door from outside....

"So this is my new life eh? " I said as I sighed..

I layed down on the bed with my face on a pillow as a cried silently.

Later I fell asleep...

After some hours I woke up to the sound of the door opening.

"Baby?" I heard someone speak as I got up and saw that yeonjun came.

"Ahh you're awake I got you food" yeonjun said as I just sat there. He placed the food and left locking the door again.

I looked at the food and it looked disgusting.

I hated outmeal and they gave me it

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I hated outmeal and they gave me it...
I just stared at it not wanting to eat it so I didn't. I layed back into the bed and stared at the ceiling.

I fell asleep again.


I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun shining on my face.

"Ughhhhh" I groaned and covered  myself with the cover as I tried falling asleep again the door opened revealing beomgyu.

"Hi love I got you breakfast" he said coming to me. Then he saw that I didn't eat yesterdays dinner.
"You didn't eat?? Why baby?  Is it not good? " he said asking many questions as I just zoned out. "Bae I asked you something" he said making me snap back to reality. "Oh uhm I wasn't hungry" I say looking at the wall.

"Well you shouldn't skip you're meals you know!!! " he said as he took a spoon full of outmeal he just brought as breakfast. " I know you don't like this but soobin hyung is forcing me to give you this" he said as he put the spoon close to my mouth.  "Say ahh" he said making me open my mouth cuz I had no choice anyway.

"Good girl" he said as he fed me. "Do you like it? " he asked knowing the answer is no. I shook my head as a "no" making him chuckle. " ohh you know that Kai was worried about you alot he couldn't sleep last night but he's asleep now" he said making my mouth form an "O".

" and done! Good job baby " he said and patted my head. "Why aren't you talking? Do you hate me? " said beomgyu.
I didn't hate him he was nice and hueningkai too obviously they weren't as scary as the other ones.
"I'm talking to you" he said with a poker face. "No.......I don't hate you" I say looking down making him aw.

"You're so cute you know that? " he said looking at me and holding my chin up as he leaned in.

Then he kissed me omg?!?!?!


The kiss was short but sweet making me kinda like it...

"Look at your blushing face" he said looking at me. "Don't tell anyone I kissed you okay?" He said making me nod.

"Alrighty then I'll take my leave! Take care y/n I love you princess!! " he said as he got out and locked the door.

I went back into my thoughts thinking about the kiss...
I never thought I would kiss someone I just met.


"Ugh I need entertainment!!!!!! " I say as I looked at the clock. It was 2:03 pm and I was bored as hell.
I began looking around the bed for something to entertain me and then I went through a drawer and saw a sketchbook and a pencil.

So I started drawing duhh.

I was drawing and then I heard the door open again.
"Ugh" I thought to myself.
"Hiiii baby~~~~~~~ I'm here" said hueningkai making me look at him.
"Do you know how worried I was because soobin hyung locked you in here? You literally have no entertainment!!! " said hueningkai hugging me tight. "Aww my poor baby~~" said hueningkai.

"Why the fuck is he babying me I'm fucking 20" I thought as hueningkai kept on hugging me.

"Ah- I can't breathe you're hugging me too tightly" I say trying to pull away.
"Oh I'm sorry babe" said hueningkai pulling away from the hug.

"Are you bored? " he asked as I nodded. "Well I know that you like harry Potter so I bought some for you! " he said as he went probably to him room.

"Here take these" he said handing me the books as I looked at him and said "thanks".
" no problem my love" he said as he kissed my cheek. "I'll go now bye" he said giving me a flying kiss >3<.


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