Syden MY LOVE. chapter .6

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Chapter 6

"Usually in my village we eat skewers and drink black date coffee, Mr. Syden ."

"Did you bring black coffee with dates from Adiba, Pakistan?".

"No, Mr. Syden . When my parents came from Pakistan, they went out of their way to bring me black coffee with dates."

"Adiba, which part of Pakistan do you live in ?"

"Lahore, Mr. Syden."

Mr. Syden ate my homemade kebab...

"It's so delicious, Adiba. What kind of kebab is this?

"It's a kebab stuffed with smoked, tenderized camel meat, Mr. Syden."

"I ate camel meat recently. It's delicious, Adiba. Can I finish eating the kebab on my plate?

"Yes, please, Mr. Syden. When camel meat is well-cooked, it becomes very tender, fish-free, and tastier than other animal meats."

I took a wet tissue and placed it in front of Mr. Syden.

"Adiba, I ate three kebabs.. My plate is empty."

'"Mr. Syden, thank you for liking my kebab.''

Mr. syden was smoking a cigarette and exhaling the smoke.

"Adiba, I noticed that your house is actually small, but the arrangement of the rooms is so unique and interesting that it seems larger."

''Yes, that's right, Mr. Syden. This is a small house with a Pakistani interior that I designed myself.

"Adiba, can I see every room in your house?"

"Yes, Mr. Syden. Let me show you. "

I stood up, accompanied by Mr. Syden. ''

"This is the living room and family room, Mr. Syden.''

We went to the kitchen.

"Mr. Syden, this house is small, so we have combined the dining room and kitchen into one ... when we eat at this dining table, we cook directly.The kitchen must always be clean so that it is easy to eat in this room. there is.

" Mr. Syden entered the kitchen and looked at the entire kitchen.

"Yes, your kitchen is beautiful, and I enjoy cooking here, Adiba."

"We will show you two rooms. customer. The front seat is my bedroom, with its own bathroom. This is my office. When I work in interior design, the lights are very bright and illuminate the office. The closet is built into the wall, so I pray near my desk, which makes the room look spacious and clean."

Mr. Syden looked at the furniture in my room.

"Your room is long, but it's spacious and clean, Adiba."

This Russian man searched every room in my house.

"Mr. Syden, this toilet is outside and next to another room, but this room has a door leading to the toilet, and this toilet has two doors. One door leads to the living room and the other door leads to the bedroom."

"Yes, I understand, Adiba. If you want to go to the toilet, please go to this toilet instead of the toilet in your room".

When Syden opened the bedroom door, he saw the layout of the room.

"Mr. Syden, this guest room only has a bed and a small dressing table. There is also a closet behind the wall. This is the door that leads to the bathroom."

This Russian man is standing in front of me...

"Adiba, you have arranged the rooms in your house wisely."

"Thank you, Mr. Syden. I have designed a minimalist room, but it has strong Pakistani elements, so it won't be monotonous."

"Adiba, I love the spatial layout of your home. It's small, minimalist, but elegant."

Mr. Syden became increasingly interested in the calligraphy I had drawn on the wall. Suddenly my cell phone rang.

"Mr. Syden , I'm sorry...I'd like to go to my room and call you first."

"Yes, please, Adiba."

I quickly went to my room and put my phone on the desk. I picked up the phone and saw that it was Rowena calling.

"Bonjour, assalam mualaikum adiba."

"Bonjour, valaykum salaam. What's wrong, Rowena?"

"Today, Morgan and I invited Mr. Syden to dinner at 7 o'clock. Could you come to my house later, Adiba ?."

"Mr. Syden has been here since 5:30, Rowena. He's in the living room now. "

"Really ?. Mr. Syden didn't say he wanted to go to your house. Give him your phone. I'd like to talk to him for a moment, Adiba ."

"Yes...Rowena. "

I am going to leave the room now to meet her. I left the room to meet the gentleman. I'm sitting in the living room. He stood and looked at the calligraphy on the living room wall. I'm next to him...

"Mr. Syden, this is Rowena. I would like to speak with you."

Mr. Syden turned to me and took the phone from my hand. Cell phone on speaker, Mr. Syden.

"Assalam muaykum, Rowena.'' '

"'Waalaikumsalam. what a coincidence that Mr.syden is now at my friend Adiva's house. I would like to ask for your help and invite Adiba here to have dinner with me."

"Of course, Rowena. I will take Adiba to your house later. "

"Thank you, Mr. Syden...I would like to speak to Adiba."

"Yes, Rowena."

Mr. Syden returned my phone and returned his attention to the calligraphy on the wall.

"Yes, Rowena. It's Adiba."

"Adiba will come with Mr. Syden later."

"It's God's will, Rowena. Later, I bring black coffee with dates and kebabs stuffed with dates."

"Thank you, Adiba.

"Assalam Mualaikum. Bonjour, Rowena."

The cell phone was turned off and a call came from it for evening prayers.

"mr. syden , I would like to begin by offering a night prayer."

"Yes, Adiba. I would like to pray first and then go to evening prayers after praying. I nodded and left Sitting in the living room".

I say evening prayers in my room. After evening prayers, I met Mr. Assis in the living room.

''I was able to finish my night prayers with gratitude to God. If you wish to offer evening prayers in your guest room, Mr. Syden asks that you be more solemn.

"Yes, Adiva."

I walked with Mr. Syden to the bathroom door.

''Please finish your cleansing and proceed to your guest room immediately. I have prepared a prayer rug, sir. Syden

"Thank you, Adiva."

Mr. Syden went to the bathroom and I went to the bedroom. My phone rings and a message appears... Aisha, my sister.

"hello. Assalam Mualaikum, ukthy Adiba"

"Hello. Peace to you, Aisyah. "I'm sorry, didn't call Aisyah yesterday."

"Yes, Ukthy Adiba. I feel uneasy thinking about Ukthy Adiba. Ukthy Adiba seems to be in trouble ?".

I took a deep breath. O Allah, Aisyah, my little sister is a very good person.

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