Syden MY LOVE. chapter.9

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Chapter .9

"Adiba, I consider you my little it's sad to see you like this,"

Morgan said. I looked up and saw Morgan, Rowena, and Mr. Syden looked into my eyes.

"Thank you, Morgan.I also consider you and Rowena to be brother and sister".

"It's okay,".

Rowena looked at me...

"The look in your eyes, your face, your demeanor... how can you think everything is okay, Adiva, when it's obvious that you're really suffering?".

I shook my head and smiled...

"It's okay."

Is it because I am far away in Russia and Adit is in Indonesia and Adit is free to change wives, O Allah? I can't stand all the lies of Adit, all my honesty and integrity find answers in lies. Instead of making a mistake and having an emotional outburst, you should end your relationship with Adit.
Mr. Syden handed him a glass of water.

"Drink, Adiba."

"Thank you, Mr. Syden."

I took the glass from Mr. Syden and drank from it.

A little water.

"Adiba, can I take you home now? '".

"'Thank you...I want to go home, Mr. Syden.''

Mr. Syden looked at me carefully...

“Before, we went together, but now we have to go home together. Adiba, I won’t let you go home alone. I'll take you home. Understood, Adiba".

I nodded and answered softly...

"Yes, Mr. Syden."

Mr. Syden turned around and looked at Rowena...

"Rowena, I recommend you not come into the office yet, but please give your boss permission to meet with me to discuss the interior design I have ordered."

Rowena politely answered…

“Okay, Mr. Syden. Where and what time can we meet tomorrow? ".

Seeing me like that, Mr. Syden replied...

"Nine o'clock in the morning at Adiba's house."

Morgan looked at the wall clock...

" It's almost 11 o'clock at night. Syden, we have to meet tomorrow to discuss work matters, so it would be great if you could take Adiba back to her house."

"Yes, Morgan. I will definitely bring this little girl home. "

Suddenly I saw Mr. Syden..

"Mr. Syden, i"m certainly small, but i am not a child."

Rowena and Morgan laughed. Mr. Syden brought his face closer to me.

“If it is true that you are not a child… please marry me, Adiba.”

“Your joke is not funny, Mr. Syden,”

they laugh. I was surprised when suddenly Mr. Syden grabbed my right hand and said,

"Come on, let's take you home, Adiba. I'll hold your hand so you don't run home, baby."

Morgan and Rowena laughed a lot as they drove us from the house to Mr. Syden's car. Morgan patted Syden on the shoulder...

"Thank you, Syden. You are now ready to take Adiba home. "

"Rowena, Morgan... Thank you very much for inviting me to dinner. Assalam Mualaikuum. ”

Rowena and Morgan responded with a smile and said greeting..

"Waalaikum Salaam".

Mr. Syden and I got into the car. Mr. Syden opened the car window. Morgan put his arm around Rowena's shoulders, and the Russian couple smiled and greeted us both. In the car, I looked down in silence. My extreme disappointment with Adita was no longer unbearable. Oh, I want to cry, but my tears won't fall. All I could do was swallow hard. She doesn't regret breaking up with Adit, but she regrets meeting him. Mr. Syden doesn't seem to stop in front of my house.

“Thank you, Mr.Syden.. you took me home ."

"Please, Adiba. Tomorrow I will go to your house."


Because of what happened last night, I couldn't sleep well until morning prayer. After morning prayers I fell asleep. I was lazy to get out of bed. I had barely closed my eyes when I heard a loud knock on the living room door. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was only 7 am. Masha Allah...who would come here early in the morning ? I slowly got out of bed and dragged myself from the bedroom to the living room and opened the door. Mr Syden was standing just outside the door. Why did Mr. Syden arrive so early? Wasn't it agreed last night that the interior design meeting would be held at my house at 9 o'clock in the morning? .

"Assalam Muaykum, Adiba. I came early on purpose to make sure you were okay. Should I stay here until 9 o'clock? ".

I now realize that I had this Russian man standing outside my door for a long time.

"Waalaikum salam. Please come in, .Mr. syden".

Mr. Syden, putting the shopping bag in my hand...

“Adiba, please help me carry these shopping bags to your house. I would like to take my laptop to the car. "

Masha Allah, I should be the master of the house who prepares the food and drink, but rather I am . As a guest, mr. Syden brought food and drink purchases. God, I'm really not a good pet owner. I brought the shopping bags into the house and put them on the dining table. Mr. Syden immediately brought his laptop into the house and placed it on the table for guests.

"Adiba, please let me cook. You can sit quietly and join me while I cook."

In my mind... who is the guest and who is the master of this house? Mr. Syden is the owner of the house and I am a guest. I watched Mr. Syden open the package on the dining table. I remembered that I hadn't taken a shower yet. Oh my a homeowner, I didn't wash the dishes or take a shower.

"Mr. Syden, I would like to take a shower first."

"Please, Adiba."

After my shower, I dry my hair and tie it up...while cleaning up my room. I left Mr. Syden waiting in the living room, wearing a red T-shirt and my favorite blue sweatpants...I left the room. ''

"Adiba, sit here.''

I took a seat at the dining table and watched Mr. Syden quickly prepare toast by chopping corned beef, sliced ​​cheese, onions, and lettuce. The fragrant aroma of toast whets your appetite. Syden gave me toast and iced coffee creamer.

"Subhanallah.. Mr. Syden seems to be a good cook as well..."

Mr . Syden said with a laugh.

“That’s all I can do, Adiba. Let's go have breakfast.''

I enjoyed breakfast with Mr. Syden.

“Thank you , Mr. Syden for making me breakfast. ".

Now, let’s put away the plates and cups. I put away the plates and cups and cleared the dining table. I heard Rowena's screams outside the house...

"Assalam muaykum, adiba''.

I answered and ran out of the house.

"Bonjour, Rowena" .

Rowena Berbick...

“This is Mr. Sydn’s car. Adiba, did he stay here last night?

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