prey (pt 2)

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all credits to @/babygorewhore on tumblr!!

After text messages from Rafe Cameron who completely ruined your night at his party, he knows every move you make and asserts his intentions through text messages. This starts a game to see how far Rafe will go to make you his, even if that means threats of punishments.

The horny demon took over with this guys. WC. 4,500

Warnings! Not a ton of plot. Dark! Rafe! Stalking! Panty stealing! Perv Rafe! Idk if she's considered kind of bimbo because she' caves in easily or what. Take it as you will. Female and male masterbation! Drug use,threats of violence and actual violence! Gun play! BDSM themes! One use of the Daddy! Choking!Degrading! Drinking! Hate fucking! spanking! unprotected sex! Reader is alternative but clothing is relatively generalized so it's still inclusive. Damn that's a lot of warnings.

Two days since your last text from Rafe Cameron. He knew about breakfast with John B. You tried not to check your phone as often as you wanted but the anxiety was hard to ignore. It was so insane. He just decided he wanted you after a bet. Why?

You kept tearing apart your room for any sign of a camera, microphone and you even taped the camera of your laptop for good measure. Maybe if you stayed home, that would be the best. But he knew what was going on. How?

John B asked you if you wanted to go to their traditional bonfire with the Pouges. You wanted to say no but maybe spending time with them would deter Rafe from his apparent need to text you vile things. You'd have a barrier. Surely, he couldn't scare them all off.

It wasn't as hot in the evening and you were thankful for that. Sarah gave you an extra pair of flip flops, but she did make sure they were black. You wore them and a black mid thigh dress. It was flowy and comfortable. But it was missing something as you sat down on a beach chair.

You left your underwear at home, on your bed. It was a test. To see if he really was getting in your house or he would go that far. It was a really bold move but you wanted bait him. Maybe if he broke in, you'd have something to report.

"Earth to you-" A hand waved in front of your face.

"Oh, sorry." You chuckled and adjusted your skirt. "What were you saying?"

"How are you? Since the whole bet thing happened?" Kie asked and you breathed heavily. This was the last thing you wanted to talk about. Apparently just with the videos disappearing wasn't enough. "I'm okay. Doubtful I'll ever swim in a pool again." You started twirling the end of your hair nervously as time ticked.

No text yet. Maybe this was working. Maybe he was bluffing.

"We'll kick his ass. Piece a shit picking on a Pouge." JJ crushed a beer can and glared. "I'm sick of him getting away with it. We need to do something."

"My brothers crazy. He would probably kill you." Sarah pointed out and leaned further into John B.

"The fuck he would! He's just some rich little punk whose never been put in his place." JJ argued and you started to panic inside.

That was the furthest thing from the truth. You knew Rafe wasn't just some punk. You didn't even know him but you trusted your instincts.

"Guys, really. It's okay. They're taken down and it's what I needed. I don't need protection." You insisted. God the suspense was killing you. Were you an idiot? Probably.

"Something weird happened today," John B interrupted, "When I got into the car before her, I had this weird feeling someone was watching me,"

He started but you tuned him out as the night went on. You still didn't mention the texts. You didn't wanna stir up anymore threats from JJ. You thought about the way he kissed that girl. His big hands roaming all over her hips and ass. It was so wrong for you to think about that considering how much of a dick he was.

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