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all credits to @/rafecameronssl4t on tumblr!!

Summary: Sofia knew what she was doing when mentioning Rafe to you, and she also knew what she was doing when she told you that he never mentioned you, his girlfriend.

Warnings: swearing, fluff at the end, angst

Word count: 873

A/n: kinda really don't like Sofia 😄

"Hey, what can I get you?" asks a smiling girl you don't recognize. She approaches the three of you as you and your close friends settle into the bar stools at the country club, ready to enjoy lunch and catch up. It's been two weeks since you returned from visiting family overseas, and this gathering feels long overdue.

"Just the usual, please, Sofia," your friends Kaycee and Jada say with a smile to the brunette server. Her natural beauty was almost unfair. "Coming right up. And for you?" she asks, turning to you. "Oh, uh, the same as them, please," you respond.

She nods with a soft smile before turning around to start on your drinks. "Is she new?" you inquire, gesturing subtly towards Sofia as your friends glance over at her.

"Hm? Oh, yeah. She started just when you left," Kaycee responds, her attention shifting back to the menu. You nod slowly in acknowledgment, taking in the information before refocusing your attention on the conversation.

"Is Rafe joining us?" Kaycee inquires, her tone laced with curiosity as she turns her gaze towards you. Just as you open your mouth to respond, Sofia interjects with unexpected enthusiasm, her eyes lighting up. "Rafe's coming?" Her bubbly expression catches you off guard, and you exchange surprised glances with your friends, wondering why she's so ecstatic about your boyfriend's arrival.

There's a brief moment of silence as you all process Sofia's reaction, the atmosphere around the table becoming slightly more charged with curiosity. You can't help but wonder if there's more to Sofia's excitement than meets the eye, but before you can dwell on it further, Jada interjects.

"Rafe is—" Before she can finish her sentence, you quickly kick her lightly on the shin to shut her up. "Yeah, he is. You know Rafe?" you smoothly interject, trying to keep your relationship with Rafe a secret for now.

You watch Sofia closely, intrigued by her sudden enthusiasm. To your surprise, she responds with a wide smile, her dimples on full display.

"Yeah. Yeah— he's pretty cute. Great company too when I'm closing up," Sofia remarks casually, her tone tinged with a hint of admiration. You raise an eyebrow at her words, sensing a shift in the conversation.

"Really?" you inquire, trying to conceal your surprise. Sofia chuckles softly as she dries a few cups, her movements graceful and effortless. "Yeah, you'd think he has a girlfriend, right? With all that charm he has," she muses, a small sigh escaping her lips.

You exchange a quick glance with Jada and Kaycee, both of them wearing wide-eyed expressions that mirror your own astonishment.

Ignoring the wide-eyed looks from Jada and Kaycee and the unsettling feeling creeping up from your stomach, you clear your throat, attempting to maintain composure. "I for sure thought that he had a girlfriend," you say, feigning innocence as you try to mask the rising anger within you.

Sofia shakes her head, her demeanor casual as she continues drying the cups. "Nope. He never mentioned he had one," she replies, her tone nonchalant.

You roll your tongue against your cheek as you lean back, a wave of frustration nearly bubbling over. Despite your efforts to keep calm, the revelation leaves you feeling betrayed and unsure of what to make of Rafe's silence about his relationship status.

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