soft love

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all credits to @/cute-sucker on tumblr!!

rafe cameron deserved soft love.

soft love meant peppering kisses on his face, and grazing his bangs out of his face, sometimes telling him how luck you were that he was here with you.

soft love meant getting him his favorite snacks, and letting him choose the movie. letting him into your heart, and cuddling up to him, as you slobbered all over his sweatshirt, his rough hands coddling your small body.

soft love meant laughing at him, teasing him so much until that grumpy look on his face disappeared, and all that was left was a sparkle that you wanted to store in your ribcage before it all went away.

soft love meant wearing a little necklace that had a 'r,' on it, and letting your manicured hand touch upon it, and letting him kiss you so hard that you saw stars, telling him, swearing to him that you were all his.

soft love was telling rafe that he was your favorite, even as he told you to shut up at night, you would continue to whisper sweet things into his ear. his lean body would be soft in yours, as if the compliments did have an effect.

soft love meant making origami for him, little paper cranes that he would carry around everywhere he went. rafe's truck were adorned with pink cranes with so many stuffing his office it was the only thing he saw.

soft love meant letting him kiss the creases on your fingers after they were so sore from making the origami. it meant was pouting, and asking him to kiss away all of your paper cuts. it meant giggling as very serious tough rafe cameron complied to your every wish.

soft love meant talking to him in his worst, when his hands shook and he could barely hold himself together, his words slurring, and his body leaning into yours. it meant wiping away his tears, and telling him he was allowed to cry.

soft love meant you loved him through the bad and good. it meant letting him shatter in your hands, as you told him everything was going to be okay.

soft love meant buying him flowers, even as he told you to quit it. 'i'm a man, that's what men do,' and letting him know that he deserved flowers no matter the day, and that although he didn't agree-he was getting them.

soft love meant blabbering to him at night, as he listened to your yapping, your soft body molded into his as if that was the only way it was supposed to be. he was the thorn in your side, and your sun in the sky.

soft love meant bringing him lunch when he forgot, knowing that he was hungry while you danced up in a sundress, and telling him that no matter the time, the day, you would never forget him.

soft love was what rafe cameron deserved. 

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