Stage 1 Fighting and Erudite Crushes

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Maddie's POV

Today is so exciting! I wake Diggie up to get tattoos. "Diggie! Wake up!" I laugh.

"Nooooo!" He says in a little kid voice.

"Diggie!" I laugh. He sit up with the pouty lip.

"Me want to eat! Me hungry!" He yells in the same voice, throwing his hands in the air. I laugh and throw him his sleeveless shirt. He puts it on and gets ready to line up for training. We both agreed that we'd 1) Keep it a secret, and 2) Get tattoos later. Holden, Andie, and Liv are in front of us.

"Mads, have you seen the board?" Andie asks.

"No, why?" I ask. She points to it where it says FIGHTING PAIRS. "Dammit." I mummer. I look at the pairs:

Liv and Melanie
Holden and Artie
Willow and Skippy
Diggie and Jordan
Maddie and Andie

Shit! Andie's like, the best fighter here! "Don't stress it, Maddie." Andie says with a smile. "I won't hurt ya too bad." She says as she hugs me.

"Thanks, I feel better already." I say sarcastically. She let's out a slight laugh before Tris comes to get us. Diggie looks really excited to fight Jordan. "You gonna kick his ass?" I ask.

"All the way to factionless." He says with a smile. I giggle and walk over to Liv.

"Good luck sista." I say as I bump her lightly. She smiles and steps onto the ring. It was a pretty quick match. Liv obviously win.

"Maddie! I won!" She squealed as she hugged me. I laughed and hugged her back. Holden and Artie take their places. Artie had a couple hits, one of them made Holden bleed. So naturally, Liv started freaking out. Holden ended up winning though.

"Hey Liv, impressive fight." Holden says as he walks up to her. She giggled until we both notice the bloody cut on his forehead.

"Here, let's get you cleaned up." Liv says as she sits him down. They look cute together. Willow wins her fight. Of course. Now, Diggie and Jordan.

"Hey, good luck." I whisper to him. He quickly kisses my cheek and runs up onto the fighting platform. They both stretch their arms before the fight starts.

"Ok, let's go!" Tris yells. Jordan immediately knocks Diggie down. When he picks him up, he shoves him away. Jordan is strong for a pussy. But Diggie looks really dazed.

"Come on Diggie!" I yell. Jordan goes to close line him. But Diggie blocks it. He starts put Jordan in a sleeper hold and choking the crap outta him. Jordan seems unconscious, so Diggie drops him.

"Congrats." Holden says to him. Liv and I both go in and congratulate Diggie. Diggie gets knocked down and Liv and I get tackled down. We both start getting choked. Liv and I hold hands through it all. But then things get fuzzy. I just give in to the darkness.

Diggie's POV

I get up and see Jordan tackling Liv and Maddie. Holden and I jump on Jordan so we can get to the twins. I pick Maddie up out of the ring.

"D-Diggie?" She stutters. I hush her to keep her calm. "Thanks." She says softly.

"Liv, you ok?" Holden asks Liv. She looks up at him with tears in her eyes. She hugs him tight and cries into his shoulder.

"Let's watch this." Maddie whispers. I nod and listen closely.

"Liv, I'll keep you safe. I promise." He says. They have this moment where they just stare at each other. They start to kiss for a while, and I wanted to kiss Maddie at that moment. They pull away and just smile.

"Diggie, do you think it'll work out for them?" Maddie asks.

"I hope so Mads." I say quietly. I put her down and start to walk to the tattoo room. We see so many choices. I pick a shooting star, but it's kinda catching fire. Maddie picks sword and shield.

"You're the sword and the shield." She says to me. I smile and walk to the tattoo artist.

"Shooting star?" The artist asks me. I nod as she buts the pad on my neck. When it's done, I decide I want more. Maddie's looks awesome on her side. I get a tattoo of a chain necklace with a cross. I put it on my chest, of course. Maddie looks pretty shocked.

"What?" I ask her. She just smiles.

"You've grown so much." She says with a bigger smile. I smile back and get up to leave. I go to put my shirt back on, but she says "Leave it off." I laugh and put it on anyway.

Joey's POV

I'm hanging out, doing work, when some jerk guy comes up to me. "Who are you?" I ask.

"I'm Dalton. I'm basically the smartest one here. And I think, that you're trying to be the smartest." He says as he gets in my face. He has short, messy blonde hair, and emerald green eyes.

"I'd beg to differ." I say with a smile.

"What, you think you're the smartest here?" He says with a weird look on his face.

"Nope. Audrey is." I say as I point to her. He grabs me by the collar. I see Parker go over to Audrey and then points at me.

"Listen, bud, you obviously don't know who-"

"Get off him!" A voice yells. Dalton is jerked back by another blonde. "Joey. You ok?"

"Yeah Audrey, I'm fine." I reply. She smiles then turns back to Dalton.

"Joey is the smartest one here. He programmed Jevaa. The robot that brings us things that we need." She sasses.

"You p-programmed Jevaa?" Dalton gasps. "I'm sorry dude. I'll be on my way." He says as he backs up. That is true, I did program Jevva.

"Thanks for helping me Audrey." I say as I stand up. She smiles. Just, smiles. Perfectly.

"No problem Joey." She says. Then we just stare at each other. It's a good kind of awkward. Then, outta know where, she just kisses me. It felt amazing. "That was nice." She says softly.

"Yeah, it was." I reply. She was about to kiss me again, but the guy in charge of watching us yelled,

"Back to work!" We just laughed. But, that moment was amazing. Definitely one I won't forget.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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