Chapter 6 Me Myself and Joker

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It was late at night and Jack laid in bed feeling drowned by his confusion and sorrows. His eyes were darting around the room and his mind was busy. He grabbed Harley's letter, it laid on his chest. Jack held it up and read it out loud. Then he paused. It looked like he was trying to figure something out. He knew that there was something he was missing. He thought for a bit and his eyes got wide. It was clear as day. There was something that he remembered. It was the way that Harley acted. She was quiet and distant. That was odd because Harley is very outspoken. She has an in your face personality. Why was she acting shy? Why was she not Harley?

All night long Jack pondered. He felt so defeated. Jack raised his finger up and pointed towards the corner of the ceiling. He began tracing the floral motif in the air. His arm soon became tired and it flopped down. He sighed and reached into his pocket. Jack pulls out the Joker card that Harley returned. He noticed how worn it looked. The edges were frayed and the colors were faded. He rubbed the card in-between his fingers and started flipping it back and forth. The card slipped from his hand and it came barreling down towards his face. Jack flinched. The cool surface of the card now laid over his right eye. He could see the face of the Joker. It looked darker and somewhat creepier than before. His body shivered and a chill came over him. Goosebumps appeared on his arm and he could sense something was wrong. The room became dim and silent. Then out of the silence came a deranged cackle. It was all around him. It shook him to the bone. His head felt strange and thoughts of malice consumed him. A sharp pain radiated through his temple. This pain wasn't there before. He wondered if it had something to do with the presence he felt.

"Who's there?" Jack asked.

It took all his concentration to push the words out.

"Who, me?" The voice replied.

The laughter came again. Jack grabbed his head and looked around the room.

"Where are you?" He said as he grinded his teeth.

The man's voice was sharp and shrill. His laughter rippled through Jack's head. It caused him to cripple in pain. Jack couldn't find the source of this insanity. He stared into the darkness hoping to catch a glimpse of this crazed man.

"You're Not going to find me there. I'm in your head Jacky boy."

These words echoed like a virus infecting his mind. Jack's vision blurred. He was finding it harder to formulate his words.

"My what?" Jack said, as his words stumbled off his tongue.

"Your head Jacko. You know the thing attached to your shoulders."

The pain surged again. Jack's breathing got heavier and his brain felt like it was going to explode.

"Stop it! I can't take it anymore!" Jack yells.

"Stop what boy?" The man laughs again.

"Stop laughing! Stop talking! Just stop!"

Jack could feel his sanity slipping. He felt like a wild animal screaming at the top of his lungs. The voice had no desire of stopping. It got louder and became more annoying. Jack dug his fingers into his skin. It was very painful. His fingernails felt like they were going to pop through the surface. He hoped that this action would balance out the pain he already felt inside his head but there was no comparison. The laughter was like a whip thrashing inside him. Jack couldn't help but scream. He felt himself weakening. Jack could barely speak.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked in a shaky voice.

"Because I can't take anymore of your insipid crying. Your boo hooing over some girl. I don't remember being so pathetic in my life but I'm done with just listening."

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