Chapter 3 Her Name Is Harley Quinn

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"Look, it fits. The suit may be a little big but it fits."
Alice tugs at the shoulders and straightens the sleeves. She takes a wet cloth and wipes Jack's face. Alice stepped over to the window and looked outside. Then she walked back to the desk and grabbed her purse. It was hanging from the chair. Alice opened it and noticed that her black handkerchief was missing. She felt a slight urge to panic but then she remembered putting it in the desk drawer the night before.
Then a horn honks and Alice walks back to the window. There was a Blue Cloud Raymond Tinsley parked in front. Anne was peering up through the windshield and then Alice became frantic. She sprints over to the closet and takes out a box. Inside it had two black shiny shoes. Alice pulled back one of the tongues of the shoes and she checked the size. She turned and shoved them into Jack's hands.
"Put them on. They should fit."
They had a slight musty smell to them. Jack cringed and wrinkled his nose. He first put on the right shoe. The second shoe was a little snug and he had to use a shoehorn. The shoehorn became wedged between the sock and the heel. Jack pulled at it but it wasn't coming out. Alice couldn't watch any longer and she yanked it out with ease.
"Jack dear, we have to hurry up. Mrs. Anne is waiting for us downstairs."
At a glance Jack's hair looked very messy. Alice quickly walks over to the shelf near the door and grabs the round tin of pomade, a small comb, and a white towel. She opens the little canister and scoops out the greasy goo. Alice rubs it in her hands and spreads it through his hair. Then she takes the comb and slicks his hair back. She lifts his chin slightly to make sure his hair looks even. Alice wipes her hands off on the rag and places it on the desk. She looks at his attempt at tying a tie and frowns.
"Did your father not show you how to tie a tie properly?"
"No, not really."
"Well, this is something all boys should learn from their fathers. Seeing that your father is no longer here, I'll teach you how to tie a tie, so pay attention."
"Yes ma'am."
Anne honks her horn again. With a serious face Alice wiggles the knot of the tie tighter while tugging on the bigger piece. She does this until it is even.
"There, perfect!"
She wondered if Jack learned how to do it. He didn't seem to be confused. Something about this moment triggered a memory. Alice thought back to when Frank was younger. He had just lost his parents and she was getting him ready for the funeral. Alice remembers looking into Frank's eyes the same way that she looked into Jack's. It was amazing to her how they look so similar. Seeing him made this moment serendipitous. It was hard to believe how quickly time had passed. Alice looked out the window again and saw Mr. Lyle standing beside the car talking to Anne. She looked back into the room and she saw Jack standing there. He was in a daze and not quite aware of his surroundings. The only thing Jack had on his mind was the funeral. The mere thought of it made his anxiety high and it felt like someone was pulling a rope tightly around his neck. He felt a slight feeling of panic as he began to breathe. His mind was reeling. He was thinking of the events from a few weeks back and his mind was clicking through them like a slide. First his mom was jumping from a window. Then her body was laying on the ground. Next his father sat on a pew crying. Finally he saw her open casket. It was the day that still haunts him. Jack felt angry. His father drove away the one person that mattered. She was the only person that cared. His hatred started to fester again. His eyes began to bulge. His thoughts were spinning out of control? Alice walked over and she placed her hand gently on his shoulder.
"Are you alright? Are you feeling okay?"
He didn't hear her at first. His mind was somewhere else. Her fingers waved in front of him and he finally snapped out of his daze. Alice repeated herself again.
"Are you alright? Are you feeling okay?"
He paused for a bit and nodded.
Alice could see it in his eyes. It was a look she knew too well. She once felt this tourcher in her soul and she knew how death could affect you. Death is lifeless and cold and it takes without fear. It distorts the calmness in your heart.
Alice looked at Jack with kind eyes.
"I know how you feel. My father and I didn't see eye to eye. We had our issues and we left things unresolved. I just remember being very angry, I was hurting inside. I didn't want to look upon the man that hurt me so much and I didn't go to his funeral. Did I regret that decision? Yeah, I did." Her eyes began to water.
"Life can be cruel. It weighs down on you and all you can do is let it. Guilt, it's another creature on its own. It eats at you. It corrupts your desires, your wants, and your needs. Eventually you feel you are empty inside.
Several years passed and I was much older. My mom was getting really sick and she finally succumbed to her illness. I was once again faced with death and it almost destroyed me. I realized that death is not just about mourning. It's about processing and finding the resolve in yourself."
She now stood in front of him and she stared into his eyes.
"Do you understand?"
"Yeah,I guess."
She knew the conversation was a little over his head but she hoped he still understood. Alice plucked the lint from his suit. She grabbed his shoulders and faced him toward the mirror hanging on the back of the door.
"So, what do you think?"
"I don't know. I guess I like it."
He stood there staring. Jack felt like a stranger in a monkey suit. "Is that me?" He wondered to himself. He felt fancy, he felt different. Alice looked at him in the mirror and she felt the same.
"My, don't you look handsome. Let's go."
Jack smiled and took a deep breath. His nerves were now calm. Alice pulled the door open and he went down the hall. Jack turned the corner and headed straight toward the mane entrance. Alice closed the office door and locked it. She followed behind him. Mr. Lyle was back inside and he was talking to Sharon. Jack walks past them. He opens the front door and goes down the steps. Alice tells Sharon and Mr. Lyle to watch over the kids while she's away. Alice and Jack approached the car and got in.
"I almost thought about leaving you guys and going to this funeral by myself."
Anne sounded angry.
"Sorry about that. We had a few problems."
Alice's head pointed toward Jack and Anne rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders. Anne could see Jack in her rearview mirror. Her eyebrows rose.
"I can't believe how much you really look like him."
Jack frowned. Because he really didn't like being compared to his father. His father was a monster. He was the one man he hated the most and Jack didn't want to be anything like him. The thought still lingered in the back of his head. Would he become a monster too? The thought made him shiver.
Time moved slowly. Alice was keeping Anne company and Jack pondered over his resolve. His memories were still fresh and it was hard to push them away. Hate twisted like a vine around his heart. Its grip strangled his morals. It made him feel happy that his father was dead. This was wrong. He knew this was wrong. Jack wondered why he couldn't feel any remorse at all for the man he called father. He wasn't sure of anything. All his emotions were swirling and he felt he was losing control. Then he remembered something. It was what his mom told him to do when things seemed at their wits end. He closed his eyes and imagined the field of butterflies from his memories. Jack could hear her voice in his head. "You're my little Joker." This shocked him. It felt like she was actually speaking to him. Jack reached into his pocket and pulled out the deck of cards. He flipped through them until he found the Joker card. It had handwriting above the word Joker. It was his mom's handwriting. It said "You're my little." Jack smiled and rubbed his finger across the letters. He could feel the impression. All the negative things balled up inside him started to melt away. He took a deep breath and he found himself laughing. The car suddenly became quiet.
"Are you okay dear?"
"Well, we should be at the church in about twenty minutes."
He pressed his cheek against the window and the glass felt warm. Jack found himself drifting to sleep.
Outside the weather was nice. The snow and the ice were starting to melt and Alice could see the grass peeking through the snow. The squirrels were frolicking about and the birds were hopping. Twenty minutes seemed to pass quickly.
The car was hot as an oven. Anne and Alice rolled down their windows. A breeze swept over their glistening faces. Their clothes were wet and sticky. Anne was glad to see that the church was now approaching.
Jack was having a pleasant dream. He dreamt that his mom was still alive. She seemed to be happy. His mom was at peace.
Allice looked back and saw Jack sleeping. He looked calm. It warmed her heart to see him being able to rest. A few more minutes passed and Mrs. Anne pulled into the church's parking lot. The ground changed from concrete to gravel. It was bumpy and the car shook. Jack's cheek vibrated against the glass and he woke up.
Anne parked at the far end of the lot. Jack could see a few cop cars mixed amongst the vehicles. He also saw Mr. Ricky's car and a car similar to Mrs. Anne's. The car came to a light roar as it stalled. She turned the key and took her foot off the brake. They all got out and walked around to the front of the building. Alice opened the door and Jack and Anne walked inside. Jack looked around and he counted at least twenty people sitting in the pews. He saw the priest sitting down and talking to a member of the church. Mr. Ricky was sitting close to the front. A few of his men sat around him. Ricky leaned over to one of the men and said something and they laughed. Berk and Gordon sat in the very back. They were here because they wanted to see who would show. Berk was also keeping an eye on Ricky and Ricky's men were also watching him. Jack could hear a man with a baritone voice coming from across the room. The man was sitting in the front of the church. He looked very wealthy and he had a perfect smile and a chiseled face. Beside him was a small framed woman. She was holding a baby in her arms. She was patting the babies back as it cried and the baby fell asleep. Jack lost sight of the two ladies and he turned around to see them signing an open book near the door. Then Jack walked over to the back pew to sit down and Anne grabbed him by the arm. Jack jumped.
"Jack, we have to sit up there in the front."
Jack didn't like this. He hoped to avoid being seen. Jack didn't want the attention but now he couldn't avoid it. They walked down the aisle. Jack could feel their eyes upon him. He started to feel nervous. Jack quickly sat down. Anne and Alice then sat next to him. The man he saw before was now right behind him. The church was very noisy. He could hear several conversations around him.
A hand quietly reached forward and tapped the women's shoulders. They jumped, Jack jumped. Then Anne and Alice both turned behind to see who touched them.
"Yes, can I help you?" Anne said with her lips pursed.
Thomas smiles.
"Oh, it's you Thomas. You scared me and I'm pretty sure you scared Alice too."
"Yes, and my heart is still racing."
"Sorry about that."
"It's okay dear." Alice said.
Alice studied Thomas's face; it was hard to believe that he was a grown man now. There was a lady next to him holding a baby. She assumed that this must be his wife and child.
"So, how have you been, dear?"
"I've been doing well, Mrs. Anne."
"That's good and who is this beautiful young lady next to you"
"This is my wife Martha. Martha, these are the two women I was telling you about. This is Mrs. Anne and Miss. Alice."
"Hello ladies, it's great to finally put faces to your names. My husband has told me so much about you. It's nice to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you dear." Alice said.
Martha smiles.
"Your baby is a boy, right?"
"What is his name?" Alice asked.
"His name is Bruce."
"Bruce Wayne. That's a strong name. What a beautiful baby."
"Thank you ma'am."
Bruce moved around.
"Thomas, did I read it correctly that you have your own clinic?" Mrs. Ann asked.
"Yes, I do."
"That's great, dear."
"Since I put that ad in the newspaper, I have been very busy. Who knew owning your own business could be so stressful."
"Business is always stressful, dear." Alice said.
Thomas nods his head.
"So Thomas, how is Vera Wayne doing? I heard she has come down with consumption."
"She's doing better but I wish she would listen. Vera can be a very stubborn woman at times. She refuses to take her medicine and she won't lay down."
"Yes, she's always been very head strong. That's what makes her a spectacular woman."
"That's true. So, who is this young gentleman sitting next to you Mrs. Anne? Is he your grandson?"
"No, Jacks not my grandson. This is Frank's son."
"Franky's son? Yeah, I see it."
Alice smiled.
" Wow. Nice to meet you young man and sorry about your loss."
"Thank you, sir."
The man used his father's nickname so casually that he must have been pretty close to him. He wondered why he had never heard the name Thomas before.
"Did you know that Thomas here and Ricky over there were your fathers best friends when they lived at the orphanage."
"No, I didn't know."
They used to be as close as brothers and they would get into all sorts of mischief."
"I didn't think that we were that bad."
"No, you were worse. If it wasn't for Vera adopting you, I don't know what type of life you would have led. We all know it's thanks to her for making you the man you are today."
Thomas smiled.
"So, how is Mr. Lyle?"
"He's doing fine but he's still mad at you."
"Why's that?"
"You know."
"Oh you are talking about the incident."
"What incident?" Jack asked in curiosity.
"It was a prank that your father, Ricky, and I pulled on Mr. Lyle."
"That wasn't a prank? You set the poor man's head on fire. Mr. Lyle still rubs his head and curses your name."
"I bet he does."
The preacher approaches the pulpit. He clears his throat and puts on his glasses. Everyone falls silent.
"This, is, a tragedy. How cruel the world can be. We all take life for granted. Not knowing if the next day will be our last. A few weeks ago we said goodbye to our sister Mirah and today we will be bidding a farewell to our brother Frank. We have lost two good people. They were people of this church. I can't say that my heart isn't heavy but I stand here today. I look into each one of your hearts. I can see that you all are deeply troubled as well. At this time let us pray."
Everyone's head was down except Jack's. Jack's eyes were focused on his father's body that lay there in the Casket. He kept on looking at his fathers chest, he wanted to make sure he wasn't breathing. Thomas, Ricky, a few women, and Mrs Anne got up in front of everyone. One by one they came and spoke well of his father. Everyone spoke of a man so different from the one he knew. Jack realized all his life he was treated like a stranger. He hated his father even more. After the last person spoke he was told to come up and say his final goodbyes. Jack got up. His eyes leered at Frank and he walked up to the coffin. He could see how peaceful his father looked but he didn't believe his father deserved to have peace. Jack could feel something stirring up inside him. It was all that anger he had pushed down for so long. He felt it bursting out of him. The next thing he knew his fist hit Frank's dead face. He couldn't stop hitting him. It felt so good to release his anger.
"Stop it young man!" The priest shouted.
A deacon pulled him off. Jack held on to the casket with one hand and he was able to get off one more hit. Ricky laughed.
"I like this kid."
Jack was breathing heavily.
"You bastard! I hate you! I hate you!" Jack screamed.
Everyone was in shock. They couldn't believe what was unfolding before them. Alice took him from the deacon and they headed outside. She sat him down on the steps of the church. Alice sat beside him rubbing his back. She was letting him calm down for a bit.
"How do you feel"
Jack took in a big breath.
"Are you calm?"
"Are you ready to go back in?"
"No, I can't do that. Not after what I did."
"Yes you can and I will be right there beside you." She gave him a soft smile.
The door swung open and all eyes were upon him. Alice and Jack walked back to their seats and Jack saw Thomas and Ricky standing in front of his fathers coffin. Thomas' head was bent down and Ricky turned to face him.
"You have some nerve coming here." Ricky snarled"
"There is no rule saying I can't attend my friend's funeral. What's your beef?"
"You. Everything about you. You throw your money at everything. Even at this fool's funeral."
"What's wrong with that? We're brothers."
"Don't make me laugh. Franky and I aren't your brothers. Or have you forgotten. You abandoned us."
"Abandoned? "
"Yeah, abandoned."
"If we aren't brothers then what are we?"
"You are a rich man and I am a mobster. Nothing more, nothing less. You know what I believe?"
"I believe that you are just a poor schmuck who paid for a funeral. You're just doing this for yourself, because you feel guilty."
"And why would I feel guilty?"
"Because you left."
"That's not fair, I didn't have a choice. I had know idea that Vera was still alive. She came for me because I was all she had left. I had to go. I was going to come back for the both of you."
"Was?" Ricky smirks.
"You were going to come back, right. You didn't have a choice, right. We were brothers! If not by blood but by our common bonds. We had plans, we had dreams. It was you who threw it all away. Did you know that Franky waited a long time for you. He looked up to you and I never understood why. After you left I told him that I'm the only brother he needs. I told him how I saw you that day. How you were smiling, happy even. I told him that you didn't look sad. Especially with all that money coming to you. Not once did you look back. You weren't going to come back for us Tommy. Don't lie to yourself. I made sure to tell Franky the truth. It wasn't hard to convince him, because you weren't there. It was me who took care of him when you left. It was just me and him. Now you want to tell me that we are brothers."
Thomas lowered his head. His eyes showed shame.
"As I thought, the truth always hurts"
Thomas was sad but he knew he still had to ask the question. He looked into Ricky's eyes.
"Did you kill Frank, Ricky?"
Rick smiles.
"Yes. Your eyes say it all. You want to know why I killed him, right? I killed him because he was a weed and I don't have a place for weeds in my garden. So, I personally took care of it."
"Why?" Thomas' voice shook.
"Because business is business and family is family. I tried to keep them separate. I shouldn't have given him so many chances but he was my weakness. Franky was a creature of habit and he kept on stabbing me in the back. I have an empire to run and I can no longer be merciful. That poor lowlife stole my money and it was time to weed him out!"
Rick got loud and people started to stare. Gordon on the other hand wondered what they were talking about.
Thomas brow dropped his eyes filled with rage. His fist clenched and the veins on his neck started to show. Rick started to walk back. Thomas blocked his path.
"What if I don't?"
Rick leans into his ear and whispers. "Then I will kill you, your pretty little wife and your son. You all will be weeded and I won't give it a second thought. So move, out of my way."
"Is that a threat?"
"Yes, it's a threat."
Ricky shoves him with his shoulder and Thomas stumbles back, his eyes didn't waver. Rick starts to laugh.
The two men sat down and the organ began to play. The pastor called on the men who were going to carry the casket. Rick and Thomas got up. So did a few of Rick's men. They turned the casket to face the door and the eight men grabbed a handle on either side. Thomas glared at Rick and Rick smiled smugly. The men moved slowly toward the door. Everyone stood up. Anne wrapped her arm around Alice and Alices' head rested on her shoulder. They began to cry and Alice wiped her face with her black handkerchief. The ushers opened the double doors to the church. The light from the outside was blinding. Jack felt the pressure in his heart lessen as the men got closer to the door. They placed the casket into the hearse. Everyone exited the church and got into their vehicles. They followed the hearse to the graveyard. At the grave the coffin sat above the ground. Jack saw his mom's grave stone was covered by a cloth and some dirt that was underneath the casket. This made him angry. He wanted to throw his fathers' coffin down the hole and be done. Jack felt that this was the greatest disrespect to his mother. He knelt down and dusted the dirt and slid back the fabric from the tombstone. He said a quick prayer then sat down by the ladies. The pastor said a few words and one by one they threw white roses on top of Frank's casket as it lowered into the ground. Rick was the last of them to approach the grave. He took a single black rose and threw it in.
"Goodbye brother." He whispered.
Rick took out his flask and poured some bourbon on the soil. Then he took a swig as well. Martha Wayne was holding a baby and cradling her husband's head. Thomas' tears were soaking her shoulder. Jack could see how emotional everyone else was but he was the only one smiling. He tried to reach deep inside himself but he felt nothing. Not even one tear. He walked over to the edge of his fathers grave and spat on the dirt and it was satisfying.
One by one the people began to leave. The Waynes said their goodbyes. Ricky tilted his hat as he and his boys sped off in a black car. Gordon and Berk stood by a tree smoking. They spoke about who they saw and what they could piece together. Alice and Anne were talking to the Pastor. Even the pastor's wife came over and joined in the conversation. Jack walked back over to his mothers grave and then he sat down next to it. He looked up at the sky and it was beautiful. Jack saw a cloud in the shape of a butterfly. Somehow he knew his mother was watching over him and for the first time in a long time he felt at peace. His shoulders relaxed and he took in a deep breath. Jack knew it was finally over. He wondered if this could be a start of something new.
Anne, Alice, and Jack ascended the hill towards the car. They got in and headed back. Jack's hand was resting on his chin as he looked out the window. The ladies started to gab once again. The sky turned dark and the clouds came rolling in. The temperature suddenly dropped and the rain came pouring down. Alice and Anne quickly rolled up their windows and a white butterfly flew in the window before it closed. It wafted past the ladies into the back of the car and everything seemed to slow down. The air was odd. Anne and Alice were no longer talking. Jack wasn't aware they weren't moving. A warm hand pressed against his cheek. He turned around and there was his mother. Her skin was glowing and her voice seemed to radiate in the air.
"My son. To whom I love the most." She said in a ghostly echo.
Her other hand touched the other side of his face softly.
"I'm sorry your life wasn't the best. I'm sorry that I left you the way I did. I hope that one day you will be able to forgive me. Just know this, I will always love you, my little Joker."
"I love you too mom."
She smiled and she phased into a hundred little tiny glowing butterflies. Alice and Anne started talking again. They didn't see what had happened. Jack wondered what was next in his life. He hoped for something better.

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