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A bright smile was plastered on Anastasia's face as she danced with little cartoon animals

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A bright smile was plastered on Anastasia's face as she danced with little cartoon animals. Her father had ripped the images from the pages of a book and brought them to life as he bounced a drowsy Harry on his lap. The two year old spun in circles, her curly red hair flying into her face as her mother laughed along with her happy toddler.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look at me spin," She let out.

"I know I see," Lily smiled.

James looked down at his son, noticing his eyes drooping. He pulled out his wand and the animals disappeared.

Anastasia's face dropped as sadness washed over her, "Daddy...why would you do that?"

"Because it is way past your bedtime my love," He handed Harry off to Lily before picking up the toddler.

"No it's not," She shook her head.

James raised his brows, "Oh it's not? Then what time is it?"

"It's time to dance with the bears," She pointed to her book. "They miss me when I'm gone,"

"Well I am sure they can hold out until tomorrow. Besides we can dance our way up to your bedroom, if you like," He kissed her head before placing her back onto the ground.

Lily smiled at the interaction as she grabbed her daughters hand, "Let's go,"

Before they could take another step a large boom was heard from the front of the house. Lily looked to James as the tall man rushed through the hallway. He was back in a matter of seconds placing a delicate hand on his wife's arm.

"Lily, take the children! It's him!"

A look of horror washed over the redhead's face, "James..."

"Run! I'll hold him off,"

As much as she didn't want to leave him Lily quickly picked up her daughter and rushed up the stairs. Once she made it to the top she overheard the words she dreaded the most as a green flash danced across the walls.

She knew her husband was dead.

She held back her tears as she rushed towards Harry's nursery, placing the one year old down before turning towards her daughter.

"Stacia, I need you to hide, okay? Can you do that for mommy?" She gasped.

"Mommy what's going on? Where's daddy?"

Lily's heart broke at that moment, she didn't know what to tell her daughter. The only thing on her mind was to keep her children safe.

"Daddy...he's a little busy right now. But I need you to listen to mommy, okay," She nodded her head to her daughter for confirmation. "I need you to hide and to not come out, no matter what you hear,"

"Okay..." Anastasia let out as she couldn't wrap her head around her mothers words.

Why did she look so scared?

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