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The clinking of glass caught everyone's attention as their eyes were drawn to the front of the great hall to Professor McGonagall

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The clinking of glass caught everyone's attention as their eyes were drawn to the front of the great hall to Professor McGonagall.

"Your attention, please,"

The headmaster stood from his seat, "Let the feast begin,"

An uproar of 'awes' erupted from the first year students as plate-fulls of food appeared in front of them.

Anastasia watched the beaming smiles from two first years sitting across from her and couldn't help her own smile. She liked being able to see the new students experience the magic of Hogwarts.

She turned around, spotting Harry smiling at Ron before turning back towards her own table and piling food onto her plate.

The raven-haired girl made friendly conversation with Cho about quidditch before she heard a yelp from behind her. Anastasia turned back towards the Gryffindor table only to see Sir Nicholas popping out of their plate of chicken wings. Anastasia let out a chuckle from Ron's moment of terror from the friendly ghost. It was at that moment when the roaming ghosts of the castle made their way into the great hall.

Laughter bounced off the walls as they all watched the ghosts' antics. Rowena floated wistfully across the Ravenclaw table and Anastasia made a mental note to ask her how her summer was. Even though the woman didn't like to talk very much, the brown-eyed girl was able to slowly break down her walls.

"Hell, Sir Nicholas. Have a nice summer?" Percy asked the ghost as he floated from the table.

"Dismal, once again, my request to join the headless hunt has been denied,"

"I know you!" Ron chimed in. "You're Nearly-headless Nick!"

"I prefer Sir Nicholas, if you don't mind,"

Hermione furrowed her brows, "Nearly headless? How can you be nearly headless?"

"Like this," The man replied, grabbing his hair and pulling his head to the side, revealing the clean line from his neck.

Ron screamed as the rest of the group distorted their faces in disgust.

"Don't mind him Sir Nicholas, Ron here is just a big scaredy cat," Anastasia giggled.

"I am not," The red headed boy retorted.

"Anastasia, always so lovely to see you," The man replied. "Trust me when I say that it isn't the first time someone has reacted that way,"

He floated away without another word.

Anastasia let out a small chuckle before her eyes met Harry's once again, the boy furrowed his brows at her in a quizzical way which she replied with a small smile.

She wasn't sure how she was going to get to know Harry, but she left that problem for tomorrow as she felt a yawn coming. The long day of traveling starting to get to her.

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