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He looked just like their father

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He looked just like their father.

Anastasia stood there wide eyed as she didn't know what to do. She had waited for this moment for so long and now that it was finally here, she froze.

"C-could you tell me how to—" Harry stammered.

"How to get onto the platform?" Mrs. Weasley smiled. "Yes, not to worry, dear. It's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well," She motioned towards her youngest son. The boy gave Harry a straight-lipped grin. "And Anastasia here is a second year, so she can help you as well,"

Harry turned his gaze onto the raven-haired girl and gave her a small smile. Even though she dyed her hair it seemed that they looked more alike with her dark hair then they would with her normal shade of red.

"Now, all you've got to do is walk straight at the wall between platforms nine and ten. Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous,"

"Good luck," Ginny smiled.

Harry maneuvered his cart in front of the wall and took a deep breath before sprinting towards the concrete, his body disappearing immediately.

"Now you Ron,"

The small boy followed in Harry's footsteps as he went through the wall.

Anastasia stepped forward, ready to run.

"Keep an eye on Fred and George for me, heaven knows what trouble they will get into," Molly smiled.

Anastasia chuckled, "I will, though I can't say I will be much of help. Goodbye Mrs. Weasley,"

"Have a nice time dear,"

The Potter girl gave one final wave to Ginny before she rushed towards the wall. Just as she made her way through the final horn went off on the train, indicating that it was about to leave. Anastasia ran towards one of the attendants as the kind older man started to take her luggage and put it on the train. Once her bags were settled the raven-haired girl made her way towards the compartments. Sliding her way down the narrow hallway, each compartment being filled to the brim with people. When all of a sudden she felt her body being yanked into a compartment, her butt landing on a seat.

"Have you heard the news?" Her best friend Willow Mckenzie beamed.

"Hello to you to,"

"Stacia this is serious,"

"What are you on about?"

"Harry potter is on the train," The curly-haired girl whispered.

Anastasia's eyes turned serious. She couldn't believe how fast word had traveled already. She was hoping that nobody would find out until they reached the castle. "How do you know?"

"You know how my parents are," Willow said with her thick Scottish accent. "They've been keeping up with this story since the day it happened. Can you believe it, Stacia? The boy who-lived is going to be at Hogwarts with us. It's just incredible isn't it,"

W-I-C-K-E-D G-A-M-E | George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now