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It didn't take long for the news to spread like wildfire across Hogwarts that Harry Potter had made the quidditch team as a first year

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It didn't take long for the news to spread like wildfire across Hogwarts that Harry Potter had made the quidditch team as a first year. When Anastasia heard the news she was sure that Willow had misspoken. It seemed crazy that her brother gave the school more reasons to talk about him. Each time the dark-haired girl saw him, she only continued to see the similarities with their father. James Potter being a seeker himself in school, and while Anastasia was proud of Harry for being able to accomplish a big role on the team, she only hoped she would be able to keep up with him.

Anastasia clutched her books to her chest as she made her way through the hall, it wasn't until she saw a bundle of red hair that she noticed the twins walking with Harry and Ron. She took a deep breath before making her way towards the group with a smile.

"Hey, well done, Harry. Wood's just told us," Fred said.

"Fred and George are on the team too. Beaters," Ron clarified.

"But don't let them fool you, all they like to do is hit the bludger back and forth," Anastasia joked. "Hi Harry. I'm Anastasia, you probably don't remember me, we met at the train station,"

He gave her a straight lipped smiled, "I remember you,"

"Our job is to make sure that you don't get bloodied up too bad," George added. "Can't make any promises of course. Rough game, quidditch,"

"Brutal. But no one's died in years," Fred continued. "Someone will vanish occasionally,"

"But they'll turn up in a month or two," George called out to the two first years as they turned into the courtyard.

"Why don't you scare him half to death," Anastasia scorned.

"Just speaking facts, gorgeous. Besides you're the one who should be scared, quidditch tryouts are tomorrow after all,"

"You both would just love that wouldn't you? For me to chicken out so you won't have to face me on the pitch. Well you're wrong,"

"We're only messing with you, Stacia," Fred said. "Do I think Ravenclaw will beat Gryffindor, not a chance," he let out a chuckle. "But if you still play as brutal as you did when we were kids then...you'll be fine,"

"Was that...almost a compliment," Anastasia furrowed her brows, baffled by his words as she looked up at the tall boys.

"Can't make an enemy with your future sister-in-law,"

The brown-eyed girl's face immediately dropped, her attitude changing to annoyance. "One of these days I am going to wring your neck George Weasley,"

"We're inevitable Stacia," The redhead slung an arm over her shoulders. "I'm gonna marry you one day,"

"In your dreams' Weasley," She narrowed her eyes.

"Oh, I will,"

Anastasia scoffed before removing her body from his as she tried to chase down her brother. She tried to let the boy's words roll off her shoulders as she didn't want it to ruin her day.

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