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The weeks had gone by faster than Anastasia expected, her schedule being more chaotic than she planned

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The weeks had gone by faster than Anastasia expected, her schedule being more chaotic than she planned. Now having to juggle quidditch practice along with some extra classes she begged Professor Flitwick for in order to take, she ceased having any extra free time. The dark-haired girl kept the status of her quidditch tryouts a secret in order for her and Willow to share them together. The two second years couldn't help their squeals as they both revealed they had made their teams. Yet, once word had spread around the school George wasted no time and paying the girl a visit. The young redhead insisting on congratulating the girl properly, only to try and lean in and kiss her, which only resulted in Anastasia shoving a notebook in his face for defense.

Even though the Potter girl enjoyed keeping her schedule busy, she made it a priority to visit Harry and his friends in order to check up on him. While she couldn't ignore their confused expressions, it seemed that they were finally warming up to her presence.

Anastasia now found herself enveloped in the Halloween spirit as carved jack-o'-lanterns floated above the heads of the student body in the great hall. She littered her plate with treats as she mindfully cheered to whoever created the magnificent holiday.

She looked across the table, spotting Elliot with his brows furrowed as he gave questionable looks at a gum dop.

"Has no one ever told you not to play with your food?" Anastasia teased.

Elliot glanced her way before placing down the sugar-covered candy. "If you call this food, I believe you to be mistaken,"

"It's a gum drop. Don't tell me they don't have them in France,"

"Even if they did I do not know why any sane person would buy them," He scrunched his face.

The brown-eyed girl chuckled, "Is a simple candy not pristine enough for you?"

Elliot formed a smile of his own, "I have met some of the finest pastry chefs in Paris. This—" he held up a candy. "No good. All processed,"

"Well luckily for you, you're not in Paris anymore. And if you try it, god forbid you actually like it," She smiled.

Unbeknownst to the young Ravenclaw, a certain redhead was peering over his shoulder, watching her interaction with the French boy. A mixture of emotions started to bubble up inside George, the boy not knowing the context of their conversation while simultaneously hoping that Anastasia would stop giving the curly-haired boy the time of day.

When Anastasia looked over her shoulder, she scrunched her brows in confusion as she noticed Hermione's disappearance at the Gryffindor table. "Harry," She called out. "Where's Hermione?"

"I don't know," He shrugged his shoulders.

"Parvati Patil said that she wouldn't come out of the girls bathroom. She said that she'd been in there all afternoon, crying," Neville explained, leaning towards the group.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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