Part 5.

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I sipped on my warm tea, cuddling more into the couch cushion as I tried to relax and get some sleep. But every time I closed my eyes, I pictured the black room, the chains around my wrists and that horrible man that almost killed me, making me jolt upright and breathe hard. Sleep was a near impossible task for me to achieve at this point, so I decided to take a look around Harry's house.

White walls, large photo frames with family in them and candles is all I see. I feel like a 60 year old woman lives here rather than a 21 year old man. I chuckle to myself at the thought.

"Niall?" A voice says from behind me. I jump, dropping my mug of tea on the floor and yelping. I spin around and see a startled Harry, his eyes wide and his hands awkwardly at the side of his body.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I'll clean this," I speak, my accent coming out thicker as I got a bit scared. I run to the kitchen, stubbing my toe on the corner of a wall on the way there. I ignore the pain rushing through my leg and quickly grab a washcloth. I quickly drop the cloth as I feel two hands on my shoulders.

"It's okay, I'll do it. You need rest," a deep voice rumbles in my ear and suddenly my pants feel tight. I nod, turning around and sneaking a quick glance at Harry. He has a small smirk on his face, watching me as I walk to the living room.

"Niall, you shouldn't be sleeping on the couch. I have a spare bedroom with a soft bed in there. It's down the hallway, the second door on the right," he explains, pointing his finger down the hallway as he speaks. I smile at him, looking down that the floor and walking towards the room.

"Goodnight Niall," I hear him whisper. My stomach is feeling weird and warm, something I've never felt before.

As I shut the door, I lean against the wood, letting out a breath. Am I starting to have feelings for Harry? Jesus it's only been a day and now I'm starting to question this? Sleep is what I need.


"Are there any shopping malls around here? I need new clothes," I ask Harry, who was sitting at his counter, eating oatmeal. It was 9am and I haven't changed my underwear in two days.

"Uh, yeah there's one down the road. Just let me get changed and I'll take you down there," he smiles at me, the weird feeling returning. He puts his bowl in the sink and walks to his room, shutting the door with a soft thud.

I start to think about Louis. I wonder if he cares that I suddenly feel this hatred towards him. I wonder if he cares that I almost got killed. Probably not, he was too busy with his fuckbuddy to even give me a second thought. I honestly thought I loved him. I thought he was the best thing that ever happened to me, but obviously he never felt the same. I always pictured our future, a small child with light brown curly hair, blue eyes and wonky teeth running towards Louis with the biggest grin on her face. I loved the thought at the time, but just thinking about it now makes bile rise in my throat. How could I not see that he wasn't as in love with me as I was with him? All that time he had to 'work late', it is now obvious that he was somewhere else. How could I have been so oblivious? Love makes you blind.

"I'm ready," I jump slightly, wiping the tear that escaped. I nod, quickly getting off the couch and putting my shoes on.

"Hey, are you alright? Your face looks a bit red," I look up, seeing Harry eyeing me curiously.

I sigh, nodding and grabbing his car keys off a rack near the front door.

"I'll be fine."


I AM SO SORRY FOR A LATE UPDATE (this is more of a filler chapter but that's because I can't think of what to write. Ideas would be amazing !!)

IVE HAD WRITERS BLOCK, AND ITS ONLy the start of the story. Stupid, I know.

If you wanna make edits of Niall and Harry and send them to me, my Twitter is @Sugg_Styles and my Instagram is @Indi_Styles

Love you all !! Don't forget to vote/comment/share!!

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