1. I am Ellie

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Nora takes first half. Morning extra-curricular, Drama, History, English and Art. At lunch time, we swap.

I take Music, Sport and a bunch of extra-curricular depending on the day. Choir, Chamber Orchestra (we play the violin) and Taraccappella on Mondays. Debating on Tuesdays. Cheer (Pom of course) and basketball on Wednesdays. Nothing on Thursdays, and an evening shift at MacDonald's on Fridays.

Music, Sport and extra-curricular were mine to love or hate. The good thing about having the evening shift is that I get to sleep in. The bad thing about it is that Nora gets to pic the outfit every single day. 'On Wednesdays we wear pink!' (she is a Mean Girls fan). 'Lets curl our hair today!' 'I wanna wear a tutu to school.' 'Do you think these jeans make us look fat?'

So that's how my school life is every day. Nora choses the outfit, leaves a message on the bathroom mirror, I get dressed according to Nora's decision, leave home at 12:00, and go to school for the rest of the day. Life couldn't get any better for a clone.

It was the last day of term before the Christmas holidays, and we were moving schools again. We move every year for our safety. Its not too bad, it means we can remain undetected for longer, even though it does mean we get a lot of curious stares from other students.

I was freezing my butt off in the middle of our 2h lunch break, wearing an identical outfit to Nora earlier on that day- a cotton long-sleeve grey top, paired with navy shorts over black leggings, all matching with a fluffy beanie and scarf. Now I hate to admit it, but Nora does have good fashion sense, but it was freezing! Oh, and that's another thing. No one knows I'm a clone- duh. We go by the same name- Eleanor Klonos (yes, that translates to clone in Greek.) It's a combination of our names. Ellie + Nora = Eleanor! Total logic.

"Hiya Eleanor!" Said a cheerful looking girl with her wavy blonde hair slicked back into a high ponytail. I quickly scanned my note book files in my brain, and connected her to the file labeled 'Lucy Brown,'. Only 3 more hours before I can erase the School 5 files from my mind.

Lucy Brown: 14 years old, Drama class- Today we played 'Duck, Duck, Goose,' but the 'Goose,' was replaced with anything the person it calls out. Lucy and I pretended to be frogs. Best drama class ever!

"Hey Lucy!" I replied, smiling. "Drama class was so much fun today!"

"Yea! It was the best! OMG didn't you just love Olivia's monkey walk?" Lucy sat down next to me.

"Haha, that was hilarious!" I drifted off, pretending to remember the scene.

"mmm," she responded. "Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to hang over at mine after school today? You know, being our last day and everything..." she drifted off.

"Hmm?" I looked at her. Her dark eyes blinked at me. "Oh I mean, sorry, I can't- I have..." I trailed off. Friday equals my job, but I don't have to go today, but Samantha, *ahem* sorry, my mom would never allow me to go out.

"An appointment!" I blurted out.

"Oh! What for?"

"Uh.. um," I struggled to think up of an excuse. "I have to bring my pet unicorn to the vet!" I mentally slapped myself. Really? Pet Unicorn?! That was the best I could think of?

"Your pet unicorn." She looked at me disbelievingly.

"Uh, I mean my pet dog. She has a unicorn onesie that is so adorable on her, I call her my unicorn as a joke."

"mm hmm. You never told me you had a dog! What's her name?"

"Uh," I struggled, trying to find a way out of the situation. "Nora, yep that's her name, Nora,"

I mentally slapped myself again. I was so screwed.

"What breed is she?" Lucy actually sounded genuinely interested.

"Uh... She's a unicorn!"

Oh what is wrong with me?!

"You should bring her over sometime, and she can play with Rover!"

NOTE TO SELF: Lucy has a dog named Rover.

"Sure! Definitely! Totally! Yea! Why not?" 'Shut up Ellie' I told myself. We were moving tomorrow, that's why not.


And like all stereotypical movies, I was saved by the bell. Now I am not perfect. I am not a robot- I am a clone. A clone can only be as perfect as the clonee. Thus proving that Princess Nora isn't that perfect after all. I share all her memories, well, all her memories before I was made. I was created at age 9...

I gasp for breath, sitting bolt upright on the table. I look down at myself and see I am naked. There are windows in the all white room I sit in. I can see people with white jackets on. They all move their lips, but I hear nothing. I whip my head around when someone clears their throat from behind me. My hair gets caught in my face and I flip it out of the way with a toss of my head.

The woman walks up to me and offers me a hand. I am confused. She takes my own hand and puts it in hers. She tugs. I stand up. Well try to. I stand for a second and then fall down to the ground. She offers me her hand again and I keep trying. Like a toddler learning how to walk, I finally manage it after a few days.

"Can you understand me?" she asks. A response comes up to my lips without even thinking.

"Yes," I am surprised. The woman makes notes on a clip board. "Where am I?" I ask. I can remember things. I am a girl. Nora. A slide, a toy fairy for my birthday, dinner, yucky vegetables, a science laboratory, a bright light. I get no answer.

They train me. I can walk, talk fluently, jump, skip, surf the internet, do everything like a normal person. Then they release me.

"Your name is Ellie," They say.

"No it isn't. I'm Nora," I reply.

"You are a clone. Nora is your clonee." They tell me. They lead me to another room, and I stare at the white chair in the middle of the room. It slowly turns. A girl is sitting on it. "This is Nora," they say. "Nora, this is your clone. Her name is Ellie. We will program her a bit longer. She will be your protector. Your sister. Your best friend."

The girl is pretty. She has dark hair that naturally turns into a shade of caramel. She has big, dark eyes and pale lips. She looks just like me. I look just like her.

They program me memories. They also install a notebook device. I'm connected to Nora. We can talk to each other without talking. They tell me what to do, and I do it. Nora is in danger. I have to protect her. I don't know from what. We are going to planet earth. We will live there as one person. I have to analyze potential dangers, and help blend in. We will live as one person. Our name is Eleanor Klonos. I'm Nora's sister. Her best friend. We are the same person. I am her protector. I am Ellie.

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