5. The Lunar Trolls

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A/N: Sorry for not updating in ages!!


I had a few minutes to collect a few belongings. "No photographs," Sam had said. "Nothing that will reveal your identity."

I took my locket with a picture of Nora and I eating ice cream at the beach. Mackenzie said not to bother with clothes, and all my basic needs would be provided. I don't know whether to believe her or not. It feels like I'm walking into a trap. I would have brought my favorite teddy bear, but the glare Mackenzie gave me, and the scolding she gave me made me leave Mr. Cuddles behind.

"Princesses have no use for such childish toys. Especially at such age!" Mackenzie had said, horrified.

When I had collected my few belongings, Mackenzie led me to a ship. I didn't have time to say my goodbyes, and I certainly didn't have time to say goodbye to the real Nora. The ship seemed to be made of shimmery material that glittered in the sun like diamonds. Like no other substance I had seen before. Like the stars on a dark night. Magical.

I didn't remember much about the journey, other than the fact that it went by in a blur. But what I do know is getting a stifling feeling as if I was being suffocated.

"Welcome back to Luna," Mackenzie said, interrupting my thoughts. I looked out my window, and caught a glimpse of shimmering Luna. Nora's kingdom. My kingdom. The thought scared me. How long before Sam and Nora would contact me? I checked my inbox in my mind. No new messages.

It makes me wonder, why did they, we escape to planet earth in the first place? Why was I created? I mean I get it, to protect Nora, but not a single incident had ever happened... until now.

"What are you doing?" Mackenzie asked. "Daydreaming is not acceptable."

"Sorry," I said meekly. Maybe I should send Nora a message first.

ELLIE: Nora? U there?





Error Override? Yes/no

Huh? Error? That's never happened before.

Error Override? YES

Downloading content...

My head buzzed, then a loud noise erupted in my ear, each second getting louder and louder.


"OW!" I gasped.

Mackenzie looked at me funny. "Is something wrong?"

The buzzing stopped. Relief. "No, everything's fine. I just I thought I saw.. I saw a unicorn! You know, flying horse with a spiral horn on head, magical, no wings, you know?" I said nervously.

NOTE TO SELF: think up of better excuses than unicorns.





Error Override? Yes/no

Oh no, not this again.

Error Override? NO.

"Yes, I know. But all unicorns should have been under the control of the Guard Ophiuchus. I'll have to talk to them. Anyways, you need to know a few things. As I'm sure you know, Sam and that science lab have been brainwashing you and failing to fulfil their duty. Your stay on earth was supposed to teach you about the earthlings to help you prepare for war. As soon as we arrive, I'll show you to your quarters, and your duty and lessons will start right away. Unless of course, you wish to see your father, but a Luna princess should not show any sign of weakness, However, this is an exception as you have been apart from him in so long, and he still has to anoint you to be crown princess. A boy would be preferable of course, but seeing as your father never sired a son...." Mackenzie blabbered on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2017 ⏰

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