2. "And don't forget... Blend In!"

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New year, new school, same identity, same story. I looked at my reflection. We're just so alike, I can't tell the difference. Perfect to every strand of hair.

"Ready?" I asked my reflection. My reflection nodded.

"First day of school number 6- I'm so nervous!" My reflection replied.

I was neither shocked nor surprised at the reply from the mirror. Or what seemed like a mirror.

Eleanor was going to school. And Ellie and Nora were non-existent. Because Ellie and Nora were Eleanor. Because Ellie and Nora is one person. Eleanor is two.

"I can't believe my babies are in year 8 today!" Samantha beamed, slightly tearful. "My babies are all grown up!"

"Sam, we'll be fine," Nora reassured the woman. "What was the name of the school again?"

"Um, Tara Anglican School for Girls," I supplied. Now even though I was just a clone, I wasn't treated like one. I mean obviously I wasn't as important as Nora, but Sam treated us both as equals, and Nora treated me like her sister.

"I thought we went to Tara last year?" Nora quipped.

"No, that was Taravella High, in Florida. We are in Australia now! Yaya!" I cheered. Nora was so clueless, it was a wonder that no one notices.

"Huh, it's a girls school," Nora said, scrolling through her phone. "The uniforms are so stupid. I don't see the point of uniforms, they don't let us express our individuality, and they are so baggy, gross!"

"Now, Nora," Sam tutted. "Remember, blend in. Normal girl, and.. wait, where is your locket?!"

"Oh, I still have it," I said, taking off our shell locket and handing it over to Nora. We used to have two, until we accidently broke one when we were playing. Oops? Now we have to share the one locket because Sam hasn't found time to get a new one. She was annoyed at us for breaking it (It was pure accidental, honest!), as now she only can track one of us at a time.

"Well, good luck, and don't forget, ble-"

"Blend in!" we chorused.

"We'll be fine Sam!" I reassured. "Are we still going by the same time schedule as last year?"

"Yep! Oh no! its already 6:55, go! You're going to miss the bus!" Samantha hustled Nora out through the door.

"Bye!" I called. "Have fun!"

"I will!" she yelled back.

Once she was gone, I ambled back up to our shared room. The walls were blue, and a girl around our age used to live here and she went to Tara Anglican as well! I stared at the walls. It looked too bare. Too foreign. Getting an idea, I dug out my old drawings and posters, and began to stick them on the wall. By 9:00, I was done. I stepped back and admired my handiwork. I'm sure Nora will love it too.

"Ellie!" Samantha called. "Time for studies!"

"I'll be down in three secs!" I yelled back.

"You have 3 minutes!" She replied. I quickly got changed into the school uniform. It was blue and stripy, and I had to agree with Nora- it wasn't exactly that flattering. Never have we ever gone to a school for only girls. A school with a school uniform no less! I hurried into the bathroom to do my hair, and quickly did a waterfall braid, then curled the rest of my hair.

"Perfect," I thought, admiring my handiwork.

"Eleanor Klonos, you get down here right now!" Sam yelled.

"Coming!" I yelled back as I hurried downstairs, dreading the Math, Geography, History and English to come.

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