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Eirix follows Nayuta in the garden. Although the snow has already started to melt, the snow landscape is still visible. The cold was noticeable, but Eirix still felt the cold air in his skin. His body trembled a little, but now Nayuta was much more important to him. He just wears his white shirt, which can't warm him up so much.

"Nayuta, wait, please." Shouted, but his friend acted like he didn't hear that. "Wait, please."

Nayuta walked further and further away from the house, not caring that Eirix followed him all the way. He wiped a cold tear from his face. He felt the cold, too, but now the pain was more through his body. He arrived at a forest which was close to Naoki's house. He uses his power to disturb Eirix, and he can disappear in front of his eyes. He ran at a tree and sat down by the trunk of the tree. He pulls his legs to his chest. He felt something cold running down his face, and when he wiped it, only new ones flowed. Eirix finds him after a while. He just looked at him and stood next to him. After a few minutes, he hugged him tightly. His body trembled a little because of the cold, but Nayuta's body warmed him up a little. Nayuta's crying didn't stop. The angel's hug made him feel weak. Eirix covered themselves with his wings and held him close as he could.

"I'm sorry because it happened."

"Koen's killer always been here... how I didn't notice."

"It's not your fault." Eirix tries to cheer him up a little.

Nayuta just continued the crying. After a while, Lucifer appeared behind him.

"There's no time to cry, boys."

"Shut up, Lucifer. You just walk here and tell us that. What's your plan..."

"I know what you want. So I'll help you."

"Help... I can imagine. You are hell's king. You are the sinners and the damneds leader, and I should believe that you want to help." Nayuta said sarcastically.

"I told you, who killed your father. That's a good thing... aren't that?"

"I wanna kill Rune... I want him to feel what I feel now." Said loudly.

"I don't think your father wants that."

Nayuta eyes widened when Lucifer said that. He remembered when he talked to Koen in the ghost world.

"Reconcile what awaits you now... there is no time for you to quarrel." He said and put his hand on Nayuta's shoulder.

"Maybe you're right... Maybe you're not. I don't care."

Eirix didn't want to speak. He felt like he was in the middle of a fight with his father, where it was better if he didn't speak. He blamed himself for what happened. He wants to took here Rune. He trusted him, but who would he be if he didn't trust the wrong person.


Naoki walked at his kitchen and took out a pint of beer. He wants to suppress his feelings with alcohol. He just wants everything he feels to disappear. When he looked into the pint, he saw himself and the scar in the middle of his face, which exactly cut his face in half. Think about what happened when he got that scar. He notices a few tears fall into his beer. He wipes the tears away from his cheek and drinks the beer. After a while, he finished with a bottle or two but continued to drink.

"You won't find the happiness on the bottom of the bottle, Naoki." Nixie entered the kitchen and sat down next to him.

"Just let me destroy myself."

"Sorry, but I won't let you do that. We need you."

"Why would you need an alcoholic whore? Huh?"

"You are not an alcoholic whore... you are a amazing friend and you are a good person. You have helped us with so much. You have given us so much, and you are a wonderful person, and you also know that Rune loves you too."

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