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Eirix has a dream again, but now is different from his usual dreams. Now he sees pictures from his friends, his father and a strange man, but he didn't recognise this man. His hair was brown, but that's looking like the ash. He has black horns, and his skin is white. He has six black wings that look like a seraphim wings. He laughed and looked at Eirix with his purple eyes. He said, "Prince."

"Lucifer!" Eirix suddenly wakes up and exclaims. "Agh-" he grabs his side. "What happened? Wait, I'm in home?"

Eirix noticed he was wearing different clothes. Now he's wearing a white shirt and black pants. He pulls up his shirt and notices the bandage around his stomach. Eirix feels a sharp pain in his legs and pulls up his pants, too, and notices more bandages on his legs.

"What the fuck happened to me? Where is Nayuta and everyone?"

He hears some steps what approaches to him. He limps into the door, but his legs are very weak due to his injuries. His father suddenly opens the door.

"Dad? Dad! Where is Nayuta? Where is everyone?" He questioned. "Agh-"

His father suddenly hits him in his face, and he falls on the ground because of his leg injuries.

"You fucking son of a bitch!? How did you imagine running away from home? What did you think?!" he exclaimed.

Eirix just grabbed his face.

"I hate you, dad! Tell me, where everyone is?" he suddenly stood up and raised up his wings.

"In a good place. Don't worry." he leaves the room.

"No... no... dad, fuck." he hits the wall.


Nayuta slowly starts to regain his consciousness. He opens his eyes, and he finds himself in a dark room. He noticed his hands and legs were tied up. A strange man enters the room, but Nayuta doesn't see the man.

"Who are you? Where am I?" He sees Eirix father wings and his blue eyes. "Oh, I see now,"

"So, you're awake." he said and walked closer to him.

"Fuck you... What did you do with Eirix?" Nayuta asked. All he could think about was what Eirix had told him about his father. He felt a lot of anxiety around him. He wanted to break free and run away from there, but he didn't even know where he was now. His hands are tightly fixed to the wall, and the chains squeeze his wrist.

"I had a little chat with him." Zamariel laughed a little.

Nayuta was unsure about Eirix condition. The king's words make him worried.

"He's okay? ...or he's alive?"

"He's okay. He was just a little injured, but he's alive yet."

"Could you kill your heir?" Nayuta's voice was shaking. He knows that Zamariel could kill his son, but that's why Nayuta asked about his heir because he might consider it more important.

"Don't worry, Eirix's death wouldn't be such a big deal."


"You won't go out there alive, so I'll tell you... Eirix is not completely an angel, so he won't be the king. The angels don't let him. His mother is not my wife. Eirix biological mother is a half human and half demon. I met her on one of my earthly missions, and a few things happened, and then your friend was born. But the girl accidentally died, and I brought here him to heaven. My wife accepted the game, and she raised up Eirix like her son. Because my fucking wife can't be pregnant, but we need to show something to my citizens... Right?!"

"So Eirx don't know that..."

"Maybe... but if you somehow get out and tell someone I'll kill you with my own hands. Understand?!" he yells.

"And they also say that angels are good... what a lie..."

When Nayuta rolls his eyes, Zamariel suddenly grabs Nayuta throat and squeezes him, and he can't breathe.

"I won't hesitate to kill you or not. Your life doesn't matter more than my son's"

"Fucking angels."

"Try to say something like that again and you will die earlier than you thought... We are in the Heaven."

Zamariel pushes him so that his head hits the wall hard. Nayuta groans in pain and crunches the chains. The king left Nayuta alone in the dark prison. He tried to do something.

"Agh- He's strong... Can't I do something like Rune? I think my head is already bleeding, but if I break free, I think there must be some guard here, and I can't fight."

He looks around in the room and tries to find something that can help him to break free. Right now, he would do anything to be free from his chains. He tries to use his ability. Nayuta doesn't know much about his ability. But the tricks that he tried to implement can't work, so he wants to give up.

"I screwed up that. I lock up in there, and Eirix... I don't know how he is now." Nayuta begins to resign himself to his situation. "Koen will be proud of me if I death from the angels." he said in a sarcastic tone.

He's now angry and confused, and he feels a lot more things. Nayuta accidentally uses his ability to cut his chains.

"What was that?"

Nayuta is now free, and he wants to find Eirix. He walks in the corridors. A few moments later, some guards surround him. He uses his ability again to pull away the guards. He takes someone's sword.

"How do I need to use that?" he looks down to his sword and sees the sharp metal reflecting him.

A guard suddenly jumps in front of him and tries to hit the boy on his head. Nayuta dodges the attack and pushes him away with his ability. Another angel guard immediately attacks him in the back. Nayuta dodges the attack again. He held the sword tightly and tried to help the strength of the defence with his other hand, but the cold metal cut his hand deeply. The third guard takes out a knife and stabs that on his side. Nayuta uses his ability and pushes them hardly against the wall. The guards seem to be dead. Nayuta pulled out the knife from his side. He's trembled, but he wants to keep going. His blood drips on the floor. He leaned against the wall to support himself to walk. He's bleeding terribly, and he gets dizzy more and more.

"Fuck... I must keep going..." Nayuta's vision becomes blurry, and everything goes dark around him.

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