chapter 3:saving and being saved

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As Krystila wandered through the lush greenery of the forest, she thought about her earlier encounter. Rogan, who doesn't care about others, decided to visit the town library. In the Library, there is knowledge about Volans and how to defeat them. Not as much as Auria ; the water kingdom. There are 4 kingdoms in total: Qovenlend (the Earth kingdom), Auria ( the water kingdom) , Saliendale ( the fire kingdom) and Balriri ( the air kingdom).The Earth kingdom already lost its king. Out of respect, Everyone chose to leave it untouched and how it was left by the King's family. Before each one of them went missing and died mysteriously. The fire kingdom has one wild and untamed princess, feared by many. The Air kingdom, A widowed queen. And the water kingdom, a beckoning prince.
“Argh. I can't find anything to kill her. Wait.. Volans are attracted to gold? Why am I not surprised? I could maybe lay out gold and trap her-”
“Who are you talking about, Rogan?”
Rogan immediately followed his instincts and pinned the enemy against the wall, making sure the enemy's head smashed against the cold, wooden wall. Some books tumbled off the shelf from the impact. The foe was actually a comrade.
“Oh. Zen. What did I tell you about sneaking up on me?” Rogan slowly lets go. Zen quickly regains posture and wipes the blood from his almost fractured nose.
“Sorry sorry. But who were you talking about?” Zen gasps. “Does my brother from another mother have a little crush~???”
“What!  Ew no! It's to trap a Volan. She has been annoying me. Besides, I need to make my father proud,” Rogan rambled.
“There you go again. ‘I nEeD tO mAKe faTheR prOuD’. Just face it. That old man is never going to be proud. I don't care if he is the chief. He was tough on my best bud.”
Rogan sighed heavily.”I need to focus. Apparently, Volans are attracted to gold. I think I have some gold coins on me. I'll lay them out for her to take the bait. And you. Get a net or something.”
“Ay ay captain,” saluted Zen jokingly.
Rogan seriously thought of Zen as a lost cause. So why is Rogan still his friend?
As soon as Dusk fell on Qovenlend, the trap was all laid out. Rogan and Zen waited patiently. At least one of them did.
“When is that blasted brat coming?”
“Calm down Roro,”
“I told you to stop calling me that! We're not children any more!” Roared Rogan.
Zen put his index finger over his two lips. Rogan perceived the rattles of bushes. He quickly hushed down. Out from the bush came a Volan. Not Krystila. But someone else.
“That's not her.” Whispered Rogan, completely enraged.
A few minutes went by and soon the Volan was in their grasp. Zen asked while holding the net, “Are we trying again tomorrow? You do know you're father will be mad of why you're so late coming back to the camp. He could care less about me.but you-”. Noises came from behind them.
“Let her go.”
There she stood. ‘Golden Grace’ with her bandana covering half her face. In her hands was a sword ready to strike.
“You finally came.” Rogan chuckled while turning around. “Make me let her go.”
“Damn she is quite a fair lady you got yourself brother.” Zen blurted out.
“She's no lady! She's a monster. All Volans should be killed.”
Her eyes narrowed, “For what? Being different?! Being born different!” Before Rogan could answer back, she pounced. The fight between her and him was mighty. Krystila managed to slice Rogan's cheek. While on the other hand, Rogan managed to stab her left arm. He had the upper hand but she couldn't give up. She wouldn't. And so the fight went on. Krystila was bleeding constantly. Her vision, growing faint. She just managed to cut the net and the Volan ran away. 2 vs 1. She had no chance. She held her sword tightly. Rogan chuckled, “You stand no chance.”
“The chances are low. But never zero.” Krystila spat.
Rogan's laughter filled the forest. Anyone would have guessed he was a fox. “Well. This has been fun.” Rogan grabbed her neck, squeezing the air out of her. Suddenly, A collection of Volans erupted from the forest. Including that Volan she saved. It seems the Volan brought help. 7 vs 2. the odds were outnumbered. Rogan let go of her as she scattered on the ground trying to get up.
“You may have won this time. But trust me. When the time comes, I will have your eyes. Along with your head.”
Rogan and Zen disappeared into the forest and back to their camp.
Krystila coughed, “thanks… why did you come back?”
“Volans need to protect one another. What's your name? Maybe you could stay with us?”
“Just call me Golden Grace. Yeah I know. Not my actual name. And as much as I would love to come with you. I need to stay here and protect the Volans.”
“I see… It was a pleasure meeting you! The name is Emery. If fate follows, I'll see you again,” with a wink, she left with the other Volans. What did she mean by that? If fate follows? She turned around to leave when she was stopped by the spotting of Emery running back. Panting, Emery spoke, “Take this. You'll need it.” Emery handed her a box.
“A small box?”
“Look inside.”
Krystila did so and saw two brown circles.
“Brown circles?”
“Yeah, You can pick them up and put them in your eyes. To hide that you're a Volan.”
“Oh thank-” krystila looked up from the box and Emery was nowhere to be found.. What the..

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