Chapter 5: Prophecies untold

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Darkness surrounded Krystila, closing her in.

Rogan inched a foot above her. Spinning around, she tried controlling the way she fell. Krystila hit her back on hard stone. She yelled out in pain. Her spine felt broken. Her arm felt worse, the wound opened up again. She needed to regain her sanity. Rogan clashed next to her, grunting in pain. He was obviously hurt, and it brought joy to Krystila’s unbearable pain.

“Are you okay?” Rogan whispered, His body already up and moving again.

Krystila coughed, ”I̶ w̶a̶n̶t̶ t̶o̶ s̶c̶r̶e̶a̶m̶ o̶u̶t̶ i̶n̶ p̶a̶i̶n̶ Never better.”
She sat up, looked around, nodded before speaking again. “Wait for our eyes to adapt and then look around for an exit. It’s not like we can climb back up.”
With her arm, she couldn't, however Rogan. Yeah it would take too long. And he w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ wouldn’t leave her here on her own to die.
“Your head... It’s bleeding. Here, let me see it.” Rogan stepped closer and jerks his hand towards Krystila. She flinches. Rogan sighed before pulling a handkerchief out of his pocket. “Wrap this around your head to stop the bleeding.” He throws his handkerchief at her and she swiftly catches it with her right, stick-like hand. A plastic bag stuck on a leafless branch in winter.
“Thanks,” Krystila wrapped the pearl handkerchief around her small head. She was so thin. She had s̶t̶a̶r̶v̶e̶d̶ never had a proper meal in her lifetime.  Oh well.  It’s not like she will.  The blood immediately painted the cloth crimson.
“Let’s look around now. It's getting late.” Krystila’s voice bounced off the stone walls and bookshelves. Her vision adapted to the darkness and she then saw her surroundings. Few bookshelves, more pillars, and… a small pillar half the size of Krystila’s small and petite frame. It wasn’t the pillar that was riveting, but what was hovering above it.

A scroll.


Synchronised, Rogan and Krystila gasp. “Are you seeing this too?”

“No, I’m actually blind.”

Rogan snickered, “Sassy much? May I know the name of this sassy lady?”
“G̶o̶l̶d̶e̶n̶ G̶r̶a̶c̶e̶ Krystila,”

His eyes flickered in amusement. “So familiar. Now. Krysti. Should we find out what the scroll says?”

“Don’t call me that.” Krystila stepped forward, her cheeks ruby. She had never been called such a cute nickname, it made her feel a fuzzy melodic feeling.

There was a magical force field around the scroll. Golden. Dangerous. Beautiful. Krystila reached out to it and grabbed the scroll with ease. She began reciting the scroll…

“Long ago, The world was ending and spirit animals went rogue. This was a warning from the Gods that evil was coming. As the world was shaking and people trembled with fear, A corrupted, magical man saw this as a chance. A chance for power and control. 6 mighty warriors stood up to this evil sorcerer.Each one from different regions of the world. A water witch , an earth prince , an air guru , a fire duchess, a light knight and a dark wizard. Their bravery prevailed and they defeated the sorcerer. The Dark Wizard died in the process. In order to defeat the sorcerer, he had to obtain godly power that killed him and the sorcerer. In his last moments, he cut off the segment of land that was corrupted by the sorcerer. The remaining 5 warriors separated  the world into 5 towns. The warriors were made Kings and Queens by their people and throughout the years the towns evolved into kingdoms. Suddenly the Earth King got gravely ill and died. His family also died one by one or went missing. Meanwhile the evil sorcerer’s family survived and went off the radar. He was said to have a deceased wife and 3 children. If they had heirs is still unknown. Rumors have it that evil will come again soon. The true warrior will bring the nations together to succumb the evil once again. Estimated year is 2024,”

“I have many questions. Aren't there 4 kingdoms, not 6? Second question is, the estimated year is this year, which is more of a statement.” Krystila’s mind was burdened with many questions and little answers.

“Calm down, it's probably fake,” Rogan spat. The scroll looked like it was written in 1890 BC or something. The Scroll, a peach beige, closed itself up and back over the pillar.


No matter how hard Rogan reassured Krystila, she felt unsteady.
“We can split up and find an exit. Or else we’ll dehydrate and starve to death,” As soon as Rogan said that Krystila finally became conscious about her thirst. She got so used to not drinking or eating, that hunger or thirst became a familiar feeling. That she couldn’t decipher whether or not she was hungry/thirsty.

“Yeah, I could kill for some water.”

“I would kill for just about anything.”

“You look like you would,”

Rogan chuckled, “And what’s that supposed to mean?”

She gives him a quick glance. More of a stink face. They both soon diverged, Krystila taking the back and Rogan taking the front to where they started.
As Rogan wandered through the aisle, he thought to himself. “What was she doing near the Volan aisle?”. Although he thought hard about the answer, he couldn’t get any better answer than that she was also a V̶o̶l̶a̶n̶ bandit. Could he maybe hire her? He tripped over a book while walking. ‘Alice in Wonderland’.

“What a dumb book.” Rogan whispered to himself.

“Huh?! Did you say something?” Krsytila peeped out from a corner of a bookshelf, miles away. Her mocha brown hair drooped down her head and shoulder, too short to reach the bottom but too long to reach the top. Cognac eyes peering straight at him, too brown to be golden, too golden to be brown.


Rogan picked up the book, and thought again after reading the blurb. “This may be a dumb book, but it seems interesting. Good condition too. I’ll just read it in my free time.”
After he shoved the book into his satchel, He retreated from the right corner and away from the giant portrait. Strange that a book was lying in between two bookshelves, too much distance away.

Meanwhile with Krystila, she paid attention to her surroundings and didn’t think much except troubled thoughts, which she quickly brushed out of her mind. Rats scattered in between books and cracks, voices seemed to be heard from everywhere. Turn back, turn back, turn back, C̶o̶n̶t̶i̶n̶u̶e̶ o̶n̶ f̶o̶r̶w̶a̶r̶d̶. High-pitched voices surrounded the atmosphere. She continued on despite the voices.

“Why is it so loud here?”

“How far did I fall?”

“When will I get out?”

“What will happen if I don't?”

“Who am i?”

Krystila paced back and forth, yet it seemed she would never get out. She hoped Rogan had found something. Hope started to decrease. Anxiety reached maddening levels.

“Rogan! Did you find anything?”Krystila yelled.

A voice replied back, “Not yet. Be patient.”

She spoke out into the Library, “Tell me if you find anything!”

A few minutes went by and she tried asking again and again and again and again.

“Did you-”

“No, for the love of the Gods. Stop!”
While pacing back and forward, she tripped into some vines against a wall. Entangled, she called out again.


“Krystila. I didn’t-”

“But I did.”

Krystila pressed her bare hand against the hidden door. It was hidden behind the vines. Rogan rushed to her.
“You’re right. Good job.”
Rogan glanced at her intertwined body and thought, “She has a keen eye. She would be great in the mob. If she wasn’t so clumsy and star struck all the time, She would be perfect. She will be perfect. ”

“A lil help?”

He spun her around, the vines unwrapping. She was a present being unwrapped and he was the lucky birthday boy. At the same time, they pulled on the green rope. Lush forest fell to their feet, in a blink of an eye.
“We can’t waste anymore time.” Krystila brushed a lock of coal behind her ear, before continuing. “C’mon.”

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