Chapter 7: Difficult Turns, Easy Death

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Rogan pushed the door open and stepped in, Krystila following behind. There was no floor… Rogan plunged down into a different pit, along with Krystila.
“Not again—” Rogan grasped Krystila’s falling body and held on tightly.
They both hit the ground with a grunt, Krystila on top of Rogan.
“You okay?”
“I’m the one on top of you, idiot. Are you okay?” Krystila started to get up. She extended her right arm to him, and he reluctantly took it.
All his life, he didn’t get help. The only person who gave it to him was his mother and Zen. But his Mother is long dead and he doesn’t know if he’ll ever see Zen again.
“I think we’re in some sort of cave.”
“Well done, sweetheart. No one knew that,” Rogan grinned.
“Oh shut it— oh my Gods— Rogan, Look!!” Krystila struggled for air at the sight.
A Skeleton. Its bones dried with blood. Rotten Meat clogs still on it. Beetles and Lice crawling in between the ribs and eye sockets. This was a sight even the strongest men would gag at. Rogan seemed unfazed. What a man.
“Let’s check its sachet. Maybe it has something inside that’s useful for getting out of here,” Rogan grabbed a random stick and opened the pouch with it. There was a Journal inside, Krystila held her breath and reached in to get it.
“We don’t have time. Flip to the last page.”
Krystila skimmed all the way to the last page, the feeling of a book with secrets in her hands made her feel intrigued and curious. And some sort of safety. Rogan pressed his firm chest to her back, and read over her shoulder.

‘I have been traveling and still no trace of the mighty warrior. Rumors say that the warrior will be one of the 6 great warriors from the past reincarnated. I cannot find the 6th kingdom. But I've found the light kingdom (Auria). Not many know about it, since it’s full of Volans who want to be protected from the outside world.’
Rogan interrupted, “Hold on. Did I read that right? Full of Volans? I need to destroy that kingdom”
“I need to find that Kingdom” Rogan and Krystila overlap their speech and look at eachother. Krystila looking up at his 6’1 foot frame and Rogan looking down at her 5’5 foot height. They both look down at the journal.

‘I haven’t eaten or drunk anything in the past 6 days, i’m stuck in this maze’
Rogan interrupts again, “Oh my Gods. It's a maze now, too?”
“Quiet. I’m trying to read.”
‘I’ve been hearing Voices. “Follow the butterflies” “Stay silent as a Mouse” “It follows behind” “Run”. all weird stuff. It has been getting harder to concentrate these days. I think I’m hearing voices because I didn't give my body basic needs. Because of the lack of water, My body is dehydrated. I can’t think straight. I need to find the warrior before I die. I need to warn her. The Gods said so..
“One like a son. two very true. three, beware. four is sure.”
I don’t know what it means, but the Gods told me in a vision a few days ago, that the warrior will figure it out. I hope in time.  I—’
The writing stops there. A piece of the paper had been torn off.
“The Gods told him in a vision?” Krystila looked up at Rogan with a worried expression. “If the Gods are involved, then this is something the Gods, themselves, cannot stop. This is dangerous! The Warrior seems to be stronger than the Gods given the texts we found.”
“Calm down. Like I said, this is fake. There is no one stronger than the Gods. Especially the triplet Gods, Dorothy, Darla and Debbie. Rulers of the Sky, Land and Sea. Also known as the rulers of the 3 states of matter.”
“You’re Right. But we can’t be so sure—” tapping can be heard in the distance, approaching.

Rogan whispered, “What.. quickly hide.”
Rogan and Krystila hid behind a stalagmite, and the crawling drew closer. Krystila covered her mouth and held in at what she saw.. A Giant Millipede. The Millipede approached the Skeleton and opened its mouth, showing off its sharp fangs. Oh my Gods. It devoured the Skeleton.
Rogan’s head turned and peeped in the direction Krystila was looking at. Almost instinctively, he pulled Krystila closer and held her as if he was trying to protect her. Bodies flushed up against each other, Krystila looked away and up at Rogan who was already watching her.
Voice just below a whisper, Rogan spoke, “It’s going to be okay.”
Krystila nodded but the millipede began crawling again…  On the other side of the stalagmite, there it was. Panic filled Krystila and her stomach dropped. Was this how she was going to die? With her enemy? By a giant Spirit Insect. Usually Millipedes are harmless, but judying how it devoured the skeleton. It was angry. Angry and Hungry.
Hungry for a Human’s blood..

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