Chapter 6: Flashback (special chapter)

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“Run, love!”, The black haired man ran holding his wife’s hand. A baby held in his other arm. Through piles of books and pillars, they ran. 

“Stay here,” the man said, “Take the baby and hide.”

He quickly dropped the baby into his wife’s arms. The ragged cloth wrapping around the infant almost slips off in the process.
“Stay by this portrait. I’ll find you” The man sighed, “I need to distract them, love.”

The wife nodded. The man rushed away, waving at the monsters humans.
“Over here!”

The man ran away from his family. Heaven knows if he will see them again. Deprived of her father, the baby began to weep, her father probably stabbed by a pitch fork. Her sister with her aunt, and her mother behind her. Holding her. Protecting her.

“Shh.. my baby,” The woman tried hushing her baby, but nothing seemed to work.
Finally, the woman took a book out of her satchel and began reading to her child while gently rocking her side to side. After what seemed an eternity, the child fell asleep, quietly listening to her mother in her sleep. The woman’s athemyst eyes searched her child’s frail body.
“Daddy will be okay, sweetie. You’ll see,” Although the lady was speaking to her baby, it seemed more that she was lying and gaslighting herself. A sudden sound from the distance startled the woman causing her to drop the book. Not having time to pick it up, she ducked behind a book shelf. As the voices passed, the woman waited for her husband staring at the portrait.

“Love?” a man’s voice came from behind her.
She swirled around to be met by a snarly man. The man was not her husband. Pitchfork in hand, he said in a calm yet commanding tone,”Hand over the baby.”
“She’s only a child!”
“With valuable eyes, might I add.” The man grinned. So wide. So cruel. “That child has powers. Why not take them for yourself?”

The woman calculated her outcomes until she finally settled for one.
“I have enough power for myself.” Her eyes glowed the richest purple.
She darted towards a wall. One arm reaching out towards the wall, another holding her clueless, sleeping infant. She took a deep breath and passed through the wall. They were outside. Cold, crisp air hit her child’s smooth skin, as she laid her child on the ground next to a tree.
“I’m sorry.. I have to do this.”
Panting, the woman took off her necklace and put it on her child’s neck, A crescent silver moon attached to a golden chain.

“Your father has the other part. You have to follow your heart. And you will always end up where you wanted. Believe in yourself.”

The woman kissed her baby’s unbroken skin before sprinting towards a tree. She was facing the man again. Her energy was low. She had used her power twice in a short period of time for two people.
“Where’s the baby. Oh nevermind that. You’ll do,” He grinned, grabbing his dagger from his holster. She closed her eyes and smiled as she sighed. The man pounced on her.


“My work here is done. That kid means nothing to me when I have these,” He leaned down.


Two purple orbs reflecting the moon from the tall narrow window.

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