the socs attack

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The night had started like any other, filled with laughter and camaraderie among friends. However, fate had other plans for Johnny and me, leading us down a path of unexpected challenges.

As we walked home from the Curtis house, our laughter echoing in the quiet streets, a group of socs emerged from the shadows, their intentions clear from the menacing glint in their eyes.

Before we could react, they attacked, their fists flying in a blur of violence. Johnny and I fought back, our instincts kicking in as we tried to defend ourselves.

But the socs outnumbered us, their aggression fueled by a sense of superiority and entitlement. In the midst of the chaos, I felt a sharp pain in my head as one of them struck me with a heavy object.

Everything seemed to blur after that, the sounds of the scuffle fading into a distant haze. The last thing I remembered was Johnny's voice calling out my name before darkness enveloped me.

When I woke up, it was to the sterile scent of a hospital room and the beeping of machines. I felt disoriented, my head throbbing with pain as I tried to piece together what had happened.

Beside me, Johnny sat with a haunted expression, his eyes red-rimmed from tears. His hand clutched mine tightly, as if afraid to let go.

"Kiera, you're awake," Johnny whispered, his voice trembling with emotion.

I tried to speak, but my throat felt dry and scratchy. Johnny quickly fetched a glass of water and helped me take a few sips, his concern palpable.

"What... what happened?" I managed to croak out, my memory hazy.

Johnny's eyes filled with sorrow as he recounted the events of that fateful night. The socs' attack, my injuries, and the agonizing wait as doctors fought to save my life.

"I thought I lost you, Kiera," Johnny confessed, tears streaming down his cheeks. "I couldn't bear the thought of a world without you."

His words pierced through the fog in my mind, awakening a flood of emotions. Despite the pain and uncertainty, I felt a profound sense of gratitude for Johnny's presence, his unwavering love and support.

"I'm here, Johnny," I whispered, my voice filled with determination. "And I'm not going anywhere."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked at him, my heart overflowing with love. "You're my anchor, Johnny. The reason I fight to wake up every day."

Johnny leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead. "I love you, Kiera. More than words can express."

A warmth spread through me, a feeling of safety and belonging in Johnny's embrace. "I love you too, Johnny. With every beat of my heart."

In that moment, as we clung to each other in the hospital room, surrounded by the beeping of machines and the scent of antiseptic, I knew that our love was stronger than any obstacle. Together, we would navigate the challenges ahead, drawing strength from each other's presence and the depth of our bond.

"I Once Believed Love Would Be Black And White But It's Golden" ~ Johnny CadeWhere stories live. Discover now