~Chapter 10: sick night (mini chapter)~

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"H-hey Al.." Lucifer said, waking him up around 2am.

"I-I don't know what's happening! I-I feel like terrible.. I'm shivering but hot.." he said as alastor yawned and sat up rubbing his eyes.

Alastor then placed his hand on Lucifer's forehead. "Oh love, you're sick. You're burning up. I'll get you some medicine okay? I love you."

He said before getting up. Lucifer pulled the blanket up to his chin and whined. He had never been sick before since his blood healed him immediately, so he was scared.

Alastor quickly returned with medicine and soup. "Here you go ducky, take it easy." Alastor said climbing into bed with Lucifer and wrapping his arms around him. Lucifer made a face at true medicine. They didn't have any pill medicine since nobody really got sick. This medicine was Charlie's since she couldn't take pills. (still)

"I know it's gross but you have to take the medicine. You'll feel better." Alastor said trying to feed Lucifer the medicine. But he kept turning his head away.

Alastor rolled his eyes and but the medicine in his mouth. He then grabbed Lucifer's head and kissed him, transferring the medicine to him.

"Ew!! It tastes so nasty!!" Lucifer said after he was forced swallowed it, making a face.

"I know ducky but it'll help you feel better." Alastor said getting behind Lucifer, and putting him in his lap. He played with Lucifer's hair.

"Rest okay? You'll feel better in the morning. I love you ducky." Alastor said kissing his head.

"I love you too my deer." Lucifer said resting into Alastors chest, falling asleep.

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