Chapter 1 - The World Above The Clouds

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Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name

E/C = Eye Color

H/C = Hair Color

F/C = Favorite Color



Word Count: 8.4k Words


"L/N Y/N... This is the boy who defeated Freeza?" One of the Five Elders muttered under his breath, but his voice was carried to the ears of the other four in the same secluded room.

"That golden hair... Those teal-colored eyes..." They looked at the wanted poster placed by King Cold. "Weren't both of these features mentioned in that legend from the Sadala Kingdom that set Freeza on edge?"

"Correct. And, if memory also serves me correctly, when Freeza decided to destroy the entire Sadala Kingdom because of it almost 20 years ago, he made sure that no one escaped the mass extermination other than Prince Vegeta, his retainer, and... him, but he was taken to Impel Down in chains all those years ago. By now, his corpse must be rotting away in one of the lowest floors."

"The warriors of Sadala, the Saiyans, were already well known throughout the entire world for their innate talent in combat, formidable fighting instincts, and ability to grow drastically more powerful with each near-death experience... If this man is truly what Cold believes him to be, then we must keep an eye on his progress and stay alert for more survivors that Freeza may have missed."

"Yes... Perhaps, a reconsideration of his bounty is in order, but at the same time, we cannot be sure that Cold is telling the truth either. There lies the possibility that Freeza, who has never been challenged by others before due to his family's name, merely let his guard down and paid the price for his arrogance and Cold is trying to cover his disgraceful defeat. Regardless, what's important is that we ensure that L/N Y/N never meets or teams up with Monkey D. Luffy..."

While the Five Elders continued their meeting, another meeting was taking place in a different room.

"Hey, cut it out! What's the big idea!?" A mustached man shouted at the other man wrapping his hands around his neck.

"It's not me! I can't control my hands!"

"Stop! This is no time to be fooling around!"

"He's right. This is no time for practical jokes. Behave." An old woman wearing a marine coat looked towards the balcony where a blonde sunglasses-wearing man sat on the stone railing while another man, with an imposing physique, sat on a couch between them. "Doflamingo, is this your doing? Be a good boy and stop that."


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