Chapter 3 - Survival Game

193 13 6

Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name

E/C = Eye Color

H/C = Hair Color

F/C = Favorite Color



Word Count: 15.1k Words


Upper Yard's Sacrificial Altar

"LOOK! I TOLD YOU, SOMEONE WAS HERE!" The loud shouting from Usopp tore through the serene veil of silence carefully draped around the forest and stirred anyone who happened to be asleep from their slumber. "I SAW HIM, IT WASN'T A DREAM AFTER ALL!" He gawked at the Going Merry's condition.

"He's right. Even the broken mast is fixed..." Nami placed a hand on the hastily repaired mast, running her hand across the metal boards keeping the wooden pillar upright.

"I hate to say this, but the work is pretty shoddy." Sanji awkwardly pointed out.

"Someone must be looking out for us!" Luffy cheerfully laughed.

"I-I thought it was a ghost at the time..." Usopp nervously gulped when he remembered last night when he had slipped away for a bathroom break.

"But, who would repair our ship for us, especially in a place like this?" Zoro frowned. "In Upper Yard, everyone's been nothing but hostile." He turned to Gan Fall who stood at attention with his metal suit of armor secured firmly to his body.

"My apologies, but I do not have a single clue." The former god of Skypiea shook his head.

"I just noticed: Merry isn't in her flying form anymore, huh, Usopp?" Luffy asked the long-nosed man.

"That's what I'm thinking about right now." Usopp paced around the deck with his right hand on his chin. "How did the guy who fixed our ship know what the Going Merry looked like originally? That it didn't have a crest or wings or a tail. How did he know?" He wondered as he looked at the ship's figurehead while everyone else prepared for the journey ahead of them. "I wish you could talk, Merry. You could tell me who did this..."

"Now then, look at the map!" Nami told everyone as she pointed at the large X on the map spread out across the wooden floor. "We'll split up into two teams: Search Team and Sail Team. The Search Team will follow this route due south." She moved the pencil in her hand towards the temple symbol. "There should be some kind of ruin by the 'right eye' Anyways, just be on the lookout for any enemies and bring back that gold!"

"You make it sound so easy..." Usopp mumbled.

"Wait a second...You're always going on about the gold, but you're not going, Nami?" Luffy asked.

"Of course not. I'm scared."

'Huh?! She wants the gold but isn't willing to face any danger! That's not fair!' Chopper's jaw dropped.

"In the meantime," She continued. "We'll take the Going Merry and get off this island, which will no doubt be dangerous too. We'll make our way around the island and we'll dock the ship over here and come find you guys! You better have found the gold by then and finished everyone off, got it?!"

"R-Right..." Everyone backed up when they saw the fiery aura surrounding the skilled navigator.

"Good. Then, I guess all that's left is to decide the teams. Let's see, there's ten of us so two groups of five will do. For the Search Team, why don't we say that..." Nami looked around. "For the Sail Team, we can have Usopp, me, Mr. Gan Fall, Pierre, and Y/N protect the ship. And, then you five-"

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