Chapter 4 - Survival Game Pt. 2

175 10 4

Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name

E/C = Eye Color

H/C = Hair Color

F/C = Favorite Color



Word Count: 14.3k Words


"Wow, Nami, you're amazing!" Conis said with awe as she watched the orange-haired woman expertly ride the waver that Pagaya had returned.

"Here, I'm officially returning this to you." Said man told Nami.

"Thanks, I love it. It's a level faster!" Nami parked next to Merry and looked up at Pagaya.

"Yes, it surprised me too. The Jet Dial became extinct some centuries ago. I didn't expect to see one loaded on your waver." The man looked around. "Well... What should we do now? I was going to take everyone to the outskirts of Skypiea."

"Let's take the ship to the coast at least, like I promised. The crew must be safe now." Nami climbed onto the ship. "The five of them are unbeatable when they're together. Plus, Y/N should have reinforcement from his friends!"

"There aren't any groups on this island." Aisa muttered.


"Two's the most. If there were four, then I'd know!" The girl raised her voice but there wasn't any power behind her words.

"...Mantra. The power they say that Enel and his vassals have." Nami whispered.

"I was born with it! That's why I'm so scared! I'm scared the voices will disappear... You don't know what it's like!" 

"You crying again?" asked Nami.

"I'm not crying... jerk!" Aisa shouted with tears welling up in her eyes.

"Aisa's waver broke down." Conis stepped forward. "We were passing by and saw her being attacked by a sky fish."

"What?" Nami looked at the girl. "What were you up to?"

"I don't know! But, I can't just sit here!" Aisa curled up into a ball. "Raki... Everyone..." She sniffed and whimpered while Nami watched from the corner of her eye.

Meanwhile, With Zoro


"STOP FOLLOWING ME!!" Zoro shouted at the massive South Bird following him around. Just its body alone was the same height as the swordsman from head to toe.


"Look, I ate my lunch. There's nothing left. I don't have any more! Even if I did, I wouldn't give it to you! don't you get it?! Get lost!"


"You've got a weird walk. Why's your neck like that?" He pointed at the bird's head that was looking in one direction while its body was facing the other, like an incorrectly put-together toy. 

"Hm? Oh, hey, this looks familiar." noted Zoro as he found himself at a familiar landmark, the only problem being that he was back at the Sacrificial Altar aka where he had started.

"J-Joh..." The South Bird failed to hold the snicker of amusement it was holding back this entire time, and earned a rock being chucked at its beak.


"JOH!! JOH!!!" The avian cawed angrily at the human man.

"It's your fault you followed me, looking for food! That's what you get." Zoro scoffed and motioned for the bird to make the first move. "C'mon then! Give me your best shot!"

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