Chapter 5 - Bell of Liberation

178 14 13

Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name

E/C = Eye Color

H/C = Hair Color

F/C = Favorite Color

Word Count: 24.4k Words


The coastline of Angel Island was devoid of any ships of travelers from the Blue Sea as it ought to be and Angel Beach was just as empty except for the waves of the White-White Sea crashing against the shores and receding like clockwork.

Currently, three Skypiean children can be seen kicking around a ball.

"There!" The one with black hair kicked the toy and the ball went flying rather than intended, bouncing towards a small spot where comfy chairs were put out for anyone to sit on while the wooden roof shielded them from the sunlight.

"H-Hey, this house... You remember that pretty lady who often played the harp at the beach, right?" The blonde-haired boy asked his friends.

"Yes, I know her very well." The third child who had brown hair crouched down to pick up the ball. "Mr. Pagaya and Ms. Conis live here. Both of them are very nice people. They treated me to lunch before!" He smiled happily at the memory.

"Well, that woman was actually a bad woman. And, her father too!" whispered the blonde kid.

"What?!" The boy holding the ball let go in shock.

"I heard it too. If I'm not mistaken, they helped bad Blue Sea people." The black-haired boy nodded.

"That can't be true!" The brown-haired kid shouted.

"It is! They're really bad people if they went against God! My father said so!" The blonde boy said.

"Y-Your father did? I see..." The brown-haired boy looked down with a sad expression.

The blonde child's eyes widened. "Oh, come to think of it, your father is..."

"Yes," The brown-haired boy nodded. "my father is a member of the Divine Squad, so he's been serving God. Mother always said that he'll come home soon, but I've never seen his face before."

"Oh, but your father works for God, so he must be a good person!"

"Really?!" The boy looked up with a hopeful gleam in his eyes.

"Oh course you do! I hope you'll be able to see your father soon!"


As the boys continued to play on the beach, they along with the rest of Angel Island's inhabitants remained ignorant of the battle taking place in Upper Yard. However, not all of the battles being fought were physical as proven by Conis riding a waver back to the island, desperately fighting back the urge to cry from the stress of the situation.

Her mind played back the words of that man she and her father had found before both were engulfed in that blast of lightning.

"Skypiea will be dropped from the sky! This nation will be destroyed!"

"I cannot let that man's feelings be wasted!" Conis bit her lips and pressed on. "I must... I must  tell them at any cost!"

Meanwhile, Shandora Ruins

"Yahahahaha!" Enel laughed in a boisterous manner and looked down at the four pointing their weapons at him with a death glare. "You're telling me to die? Listen to yourselves! Yahahaha!" He continued to laugh by himself as no one else said or made a sound.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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