Chapter 2 - The Upcoming Battle

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Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name

E/C = Eye Color

H/C = Hair Color

F/C = Favorite Color



Word Count: 15.2k Words


"Hmm...It seems he's gone." The old man clad in medieval armor looked out into the distance with a stern stare, the wind brushing against his long white moustache and beard that reached below his shoulders. Then, he turned around to face the Straw Hats who were down two members as Nami was scolding Y/N in the background who sat on his legs and lowered his head. "Are you Blue Sea people?"

"Blue Sea people...?" Chopper tilted his head. "Who are you, mister?"

"My apologies for the late introduction, I am the Sky Knight. To answer your question, Blue Sea people live below the clouds on the great Blue Sea. This is the White Sea, which floats 23,000 feet above the Blue Sea, and higher up is the White-White Sea, the upper stratum, which is 33,000 feet above it. Most Blue Sea people cannot tolerate these altitudes." The sky knight watched Luffy and Zoro take a few deep breaths.

"Okay! I'm starting to get used to it!"

"Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better too..."

"R-Really now...No, that can't be possible."

"Mister, who was that man who attacked us?"

"One moment. No doubt that you have a great many questions, but let's talk business first. I am a soldier of fortune. This sea holds many dangers. Those who unfamiliar with sky fighting are targeted by the guerillas and become food for the sky fish. But, I can save you from them. One whistle will cost 5,000,000 Extols."



"...What are you talking about, old man?" Everyone looked at him with a confused expression after a brief pause.

"Huh?! Don't be stingy! That's an incredible bargain and I won't go one extol lower! I need to make a living!"

"What the heck is an 'extol?' And, what is this business about a whistle?"

"...!!! Didn't you people come by way of the peak of High West? Then, you must've got here by island hopping."

"I don't know what you're talking about, old man." Luffy repeated with an even more bewildered expression.

"Hold it!" Nami returned shortly with Y/N who gently rubbed the spot where she hit him. "You mean there's another way to get up here!? And island hopping? Is there more than one sky island?!"

"What?! Don't tell me you rode the beastly sea current!" The sky knight looked around at the faces of the pirate crew and saw not a single sign of deception. "...So, people with such courage exist, huh?"

"W-We didn't have to ride the current..."

"What's the deal? We're all alive." Y/N, for some reason, spoke up and was met with another slap upside the head from Nami.

"That's not the point! We almost died!" Nami screamed at him.

"...But, we didn't." He reiterated.





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