02. a brief interruption, a slight malfunction

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            I'VE BEEN LIVING WITH Reid for about a week now

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I'VE BEEN LIVING WITH Reid for about a week now. It's not the worst thing in the world. I think I'd be in hell if I had to live with Derek Morgan and the amount of women he'd bring over.

"I'm leaving, Reid!" I shout from the front door. My finger fidgets with the rim of my cup of coffee. I've been waiting half an hour for this man to get ready and I've about had it.

He quickly scatters out of his room, gripping a book tightly in his hand.

"Found it." He flashes the book, grabs his bag and joins me at the door. I roll my eyes at him.

After roughly a five minute drive, we finally arrive at work. Hotch called us in 31 minutes ago. I spent 30 of those minutes waiting for Reid to find a book.

We walk into the conference room and everyone's eyes land on us.

"You're late." Hotch says in a stern tone, not taking his eyes off of the file he's reviewing.

"Lover boy over here couldn't find his stupid book." I take a seat next to JJ, sending a glare towards Reid.

He doesn't respond, keeping quiet in his chair. Penelope walks in a few minutes later, telling us the backstory and the main points of the case.

Seeing as the murder took place in Fredericksburg, we sadly were unable to use the jet to get there.

Just as Hotch is about to hand out directions, I think to myself,

I swear to God if he sends me with Reid I might shove my gun in my mouth and pull the trigger.

"Morgan go with Emily to the victim's house, Rossi and JJ you'll interview the victim's family, and Reid and Kassidy, you'll come with me to the disposal site." Hotch announces.

Of course.

After a begrudgingly long thirty minute car ride with the two men, we finally arrive to the disposal site. The Sheriff leads us to a hill to when you peer over it, you can see the body at the bottom.

Hotch goes first. Once he gets to the bottom, he sticks his hand out and helps me down. I turn around and offer the same gesture to Reid. Just before he could reach my hand, he trips and falls directly into me.

Thankfully, I wrap my arms around his shoulders to keep us from falling.

"If you wanted me to hold you, you should've just asked." I remove myself from his grasp, pushing my hair back from my face.

"Oh, please." He laughs dryly, following me over to the dead body.

Before Hotch has the ability to scold either of us, I lean down to examine the body.

"A bit of rigor mortis. I'd say she was killed about 4 hours ago." I say, standing back up before my knees are able to register the sudden pressure.

"Alright. Let's go check in with Emily and Morgan." Hotch instructs, walking back up the hill. My temptation to push Reid down the hill is sadly ignored.

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