08. it hit you like a shotgun shot to the heart

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               MY EARS ARE RINGING

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               MY EARS ARE RINGING. Have I been shot? I look down. Nope. I haven't been shot. A couple shots fired but none of them hit me. My first instinct is to run but Morgan and Hotch beat me to it, running after the perpetrator.

I feel a hand grab onto my ankle. I look down. Reid is on the ground. Why is Reid on the ground? I glance down further to his stomach. He's bleeding. He's bleeding profusely.

Oddly enough, I act before I'm able to think. I rip the tie from his neck and tie it around his skinny waist like a tourniquet.

His hand grips at his chest. I'm assuming the wind was knocked out of him from the impact. I take his hand and engulf it with my own. I meet his eyes.

"It hurts, Kass." He tells me with little to no air in his lungs.

I nod. "I know."

I want him to know that I know how much pain he's in because I do. I was shot three years ago. The scar still haunts me when I look in the mirror.

His eyes roll to the back of his head. I squeeze his hand and he comes back to me.

"There will be none of that, okay?" My voice starts to tremble as he gives me a small nod.

My eyes flick up to notice my sister walking off balanced, clutching her head. I leave Reid and his makeshift tourniquet in the middle of the floor.

I run to her and catch her just before she can fall to the ground. Her wedding dress has blood splatter on it.

"My dress. God, I'm never going to get the stains out of this. I'm so sorry you'll never be able to wear it." Her voice trembles as she grips the fabric. It was our mother's dress when she married our dad.

I shake my head. "According to Reid there's only a 25% probability that I'll be getting married so, it's alright."

She coughs out a laugh. I help her navigate her way to a seat where Lance takes over in comforting her. Morgan and Hotch walk back into the venue.

"Anything?" I ask them.

Morgan shakes his head. "Nothing. They probably ran off into the woods."

"Alright. I want at least a 30 foot radius set up. Get a CSRU team here to look for shell casing, DNA, evidence, anything." After I say this, Hotch immediately pulls out his phone. I let him handle all of the phone calls, making my way back over to the paramedics who found Reid.

I notice his closed eyes. "You let him lose consciousness? Why would you do that? Are you mentally ill?"

The paramedics are taken aback by me yelling at them.

"It's the medications we gave him that put him to sleep. It's better to let him rest than feel the pain of his injuries. He'll need surgery. Immediately."

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