06. it's hard to be at a party when i feel like an open wound

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(kailani's pov)

               "YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED next week

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               "YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED next week." The dull voice of my therapist pulls me out of a trance like state. I meet her eyes quickly but look away the next second.

I nod. "Yes."

"Is Lance aware of our progress so far?" Teresa asks. She never told me her first name. I dug through our filing cabinet for it. Also her criminal background, ran her finger print, looked at her family history and even browsed at her medical records in case she was crazy.

My middle finger taps on the arm rest of the chair. Not anxiously, not nervously, just simply because that's what I feel like doing at this precise moment.

"I went dress shopping with my sister," I share with her, ultimately avoiding her question. "She liked the one with the long sleeves but I get overheated too easily so that was an automatic no."

She stops taking notes. I notice that. Her action makes me stop talking. I've sat in this room across from this woman every Thursday and Monday at 3:00 for the past 3 weeks. I can guarantee you she doesn't care about what style dress my wedding dress is.

"Do you talk about it with him? With... anyone?" She questions. My middle finger stops tapping. I scrunch my nose twice. I hate allergy season.

My throat executes a dry laugh. "Kassidy likes to know everything about everyone. I think she's lodged herself so far up my ass that she forgot that she was the reason why I was..."

I can't say it. I run my tongue across my dry lips instead, not meeting Teresa's eyes.

"Do you blame her?" I want to strangle her for ever imagining such a thing. Then suddenly, that feeling goes away. My lips part.

I love Kassidy. I don't want to blame Kassidy. I don't think I blame Kassidy.

"Of course not," I brush off her idea. "It's part of the job. It could've happened to anyone."

"But it happened to you." She immediately says after me.

"Do you think we'd be here if I didn't know that?" My attitude gets the best of me as I practically bark that sentence at her. Before I could even think about apologizing, her timer goes off.

I brush nothing off of my pants and stand up, taking the sudden noise as my cue to leave.

"You do realize we still have a long way to go, right?" Teresa asks me, forcing me to meet her eyes.

"I'm getting married next week." I repeat her own words. She wants to say more but she doesn't, allowing me to leave.

Teresa hasn't released me to go back into the field so I can't occupy myself with that. Kassidy just got called onto a case yesterday so she's currently in Kentucky. Lance is working and I'm sure there's a fire burning somewhere that he needs to go investigate. I have absolutely nothing to do with myself.

Aaron Hotchner and Teresa both banned me from working Kassidy's 'case' because they're afraid it'll do more harm than good. I beg to differ. I've talked to Aaron a total of three times in my life. Each time I grow more concerned by the fact that he never smiles. I don't think I've ever seen him blink either.

Kassidy said I should go out more often now that I have more time off. I think all extroverts are clinically insane.

Although, I'll do just about anything to escape this building so I'm going to consider her suggestion.

I find myself in a coffee shop a few buildings down from work. It's never too late for coffee.

Before I'm able to reach the door, a nice stranger asks me for directions.

"Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest wedding venue is? My brother will be pissed if I show up late." He tries to make light of our conversation.

I nod with a small smile. "Sure. You'll wanna go about two blocks down this road then make a right on Fairview then it'll be the fifth building on your left."

"Thank you. Are you familiar with the area?" He tries to continue the conversation. I don't know why if he's running late for a wedding but I humor him for a moment.

"Yeah, I live here. I'm actually getting married at that venue next week." I let out a laugh.

"Oh, congratulations! I'm gonna get going now." He bids goodbye and takes off.

I don't make anything of the situation, going on about my day.

I don't make anything of the situation, going on about my day

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before yall ask who lance is he's an oc i've created to be kailani's fiance

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before yall ask who lance is he's an oc i've created to be kailani's fiance

also this is really just a filler chapter so <33


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