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The town was bustling with it's erratic life, each and every single person were trying to make a living. To survive in this chaotic dance called life. Luna watched from her windowsill the coming and going of the innumerous car's on the street, situated in the eight floor, she enjoyed the view.

The sun had just started to set she didn't had to go to work tonight. She was a cashier at a small convenience store two block away from her building. Yet, she would not rest, Luna had others plans. She had agreed to go to a party. A costume party. Even though she loved costume parties, she hated overcrowded places.

She was drying her hair when her cellphone rang with the familiar ringtone assigned to her mother. She hit the accept button, putting it on speakers. "Hey mom. I was just thinking about you."

"Oh my. Good I've called then!" The older woman laughed.

"Yeah. I am starting to get ready to go to a party with Mila. My first college party!" She was excited.

"Oh dear. Your father is going to freak out." Her mother laughed. "He was dreading this moment since you were born."

Luna rolled her eyes. " Its a party. Not an orgy."

"Potato, potato" her mother spoke with different pronunciation. "With the costumes getting shorter and sexier. It's almost the same thing."

Luna laughed. " Seriously. It's not like that." She talked trying to sound indignant but failed. "Anyway, why did you call?"

"Oh right!" Her mother tone changed." You know me. I worry to much." The older tried to sound dismissive. "It's is just, all those missing people around your area...I don't know....I am just being paranoid, I think."

Luna had heard something about people going missing around the city, but like most people, she registered the news without paying too much attention to it. "Yeah, I've heard something about it. But the authorities said it is nothing to worry."

"I know.. I know." Her mother was clearly apprehensive." It is just... More and more people are vanishing... And not only in your town. It has spread, people all over the country are reporting people just going Puff. "

"Oh. I didn't knew it was happening in more cities..."

"Do you remember the Collins?" Her mother questioned and the girl hummed positively. " They are missing. It has been three days, the whole town is going crazy. And before they, a group of tourist hiking also never came back down from the mountains."

Her family lived in a small town, surrounded by woods and mountains. " Holy shit!" Luna couldn't understand anyone having anything against the Collins. They were an old couple, living the best life in a lake house. "I don't even know what to say."

"Oh baby... I didn't want to worry you.." her mother explained fast. " It is just... I had a gut feeling, I just needed to call you and now that you are okay. Those news are messing with my head."

"It's okay mom. I will be careful." Luna reassured.

"That's good enough for me. I couldn't imagine my life if anything bad happened to you!" Her mother voice was getting charged with emotion's.  " I love you so much!"

"I love you too mom... " Luna heard her mother hiccups on the other side of the phone. " Is Dad home?" She was really worried. It was rare for her mother to cry. " Would you feel better if I stayed in tonight?"

"Oh no. No Sweetie." Her mother sniffed. " You dad is not home yet. Don't let my foolishness affect you. I think I just needed to hear your voice, you know?"

"It's okay mom. I am okay." She reassured again.

Her mother laughed a little. " I know...." she sniffed some more. " Can you just promise me, that no matter happens you will never give up?"

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