Lost and found.

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As Luna spent the night wide awake, the echoes of the terrifying screeching from the black monster reverberated through her mind. She tried to recall every detail of its appearance, but realized she hadn't seen much beyond its large, slender body, long tail, and strange head. That was all she had glimpsed in the darkness of that harrowing night.

In the quiet hours, she was haunted by the distant screams of humans, their desperate cries a chilling reminder of the perilous reality she found herself in. Each scream pierced through the silence, a grim testament to the unfathomable devastation that had befallen the world outside. Luna listened helplessly, knowing that each cry signaled another life lost.

Luna's senses felt dulled, her emotions numbed by the overwhelming weight of the devastation around her. With the sun casting its hopeful rays upon the desolate landscape, she summoned the courage to venture outside, wary of the unsettling stillness that pervaded the morning air.

She attempted to start the cars, but to no avail; they remained lifeless, their engines silent and unresponsive. She speculated that the electromagnetic pulse emitted by the nuclear explosion had likely rendered them inoperable.

Frustration washed over Luna as she unfolded the map she had hastily grabbed from the convenience store. Despite her efforts, she found herself unable to decipher its intricacies. She cursed her lack of map-reading skills, feeling utterly unprepared and foolish.

As Luna trudged onward, her backpack weighing heavily on her shoulders, she couldn't help but feel miserable. Her feet ached with every step, and the lack of a shower left her feeling grimy and uncomfortable. She chuckled bitterly at the memory of Camila's enthusiasm for outdoor adventures, realizing now just how much she despised walking and the sweaty, greasy feeling it brought.

Despite the uncertainty and the creeping sense of isolation, Luna pressed on. Day after day, she walked with no clear destination in mind, seeking shelter at night only to resume her solitary journey in the morning. Each step felt heavier than the last, and with every passing moment, her grip on sanity grew more tenuous. The overwhelming silence and desolation weighed heavily on her spirit, leading her to question whether she was the sole survivor in this barren world.

Spotting a large department store in the distance, Luna glanced at the time and decided it would be safer to seek shelter there. Luna quickened her pace, the pain in her feet driving her forward. She silently prayed that the fucking store had working showers.

She was just a few yard's from the entrance, she didn't fail to notice how the shopping carts were organized in a semi circle in front of the main doors. Luna's frown deepening when she saw that there were boards and papers covering up the glass windows.

"Stop right there!" A man's voice warned her. Luna's heart fluttered inside her chest. She wasn't alone.

She obeyed, raising her hands up without thinking. She tried to look at the general direction the voice was coming from, but could see no one. She thought about saying something, but no word's came out.

"Are you infected?" The voice boomed. Luna was confused. She didn't knew how to answer that.

Luna hesitated, about to speak, but then stopped. The realization hit her like a ton of bricks: she had been through a nuclear disaster. Was she infected? She didn't think so, but the fear lingered. Would she be radioactive? The thought made her glance down at her dirty and worn-out white t-shirt and blue jeans, the same clothes she had hastily put on four days ago. Mentally kicking herself, she realized she should have changed clothes. For fuck's sake, she had clean clothes on her damn backpack. She was going to get sick. "I don't know!" She answered, unsure.

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