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Luna was hiding inside the the tent she shared with Rafael, Ruth and Maria. In a corner, staring at her was Camila's ghost. They had gathered many supplies. The camp was bustling with anxiety and shock over the news, some were scared, others were happy, but most were unsure. Who are those predators? What do they want? Will be a price for their help? Are they dangerous? The same question were asked multiple times. Questions no one had actual answers. Luna didn't care about any of that now.

She had found a small boutique in that town, she had entered it hoping to find more suitable clothing for herself. She didn't enjoyed fighting in a dress. Luna needed more practical attire.

She got distracted, and was caught completely out of guard. Inside that store were mirrors in every wall. She saw herself. Her insides revolting at the ungodly sight. She was ruined. Dirty and disheveled. Her eyes were dull and constantly wide open. Her lips dry and cracking. Her skin was a pathetic excuse of what once was. And that scar. That scar had destroyed her face. It was huge and thick and deep.

As tears streamed down her cheeks, Luna wept not only for herself but also for the life she had lost. She couldn't shake the bitter resentment towards her mother, who had implored Luna to keep living no matter what. But now, faced with the relentless onslaught of despair and anguish, Luna found herself questioning the validity of that promise.Exhausted, frightened, and consumed by misery, Luna longed for nothing more than to retreat into the solace of oblivion. She yearned for the tranquility of a quiet, undisturbed repose, where the chaos and turmoil of their world could no longer reach her. The weight of her burdens threatened to crush her spirit, leaving her feeling utterly drained and despondent.

Rafael's heart ached as he observed Luna's anguish, feeling powerless in the face of her pain. He longed to comfort her, to ease the burden weighing heavily on her shoulders. Despite harboring feelings for her, he hesitated to act on them, fearful of adding further complications to their already tumultuous situation.

Approaching Luna gently, Rafael attempted to coax her out of her distress with a small offering of chocolate, a gesture intended to provide a momentary distraction from her sorrow. Yet, even this simple pleasure failed to elicit a response from Luna, who remained curled up in her own anguish.

Desperate to help her, Rafael reached out, his voice filled with compassion and concern. "Luna," he murmured softly, his tone weighted with empathy. "Tell me what you need. I'm here for you."

Luna sighed audibly. " Just me give some time." She murmured without looking at him.

Rafael left a can of soda and a chocolate bar next to her, " For what it is worth, I still think you are beautiful." He whispered before giving her the space she'd asked.

As Luna ventured towards the waterfall, the dim light of dawn began to filter through the thick clouds overhead. She had moved with deliberate care, mindful not to disturb her slumbering companions. The weight of Rafael's gift, a change of clothes and toiletries, felt reassuring against her shoulders, offering a semblance of normalcy inside the desolation that surrounded her.

Arriving at the deserted waterfall, Luna welcomed the solitude it offered. Here, amidst the soothing rush of water, she could finally steal a moment of respite for herself. With practiced efficiency, she stripped off her soiled garments and immersed herself in the cleansing embrace of the cool water. As she scrubbed away the grime and debris of battle, Luna allowed herself to release the pent-up emotions that had been festering within her.

As Luna submerged beneath the cool embrace of the waterfall, she felt the weight of the world begin to lift from her shoulders. The rush of water enveloped her senses, drowning out the cacophony of chaos that had plagued her mind. With each gentle movement, she allowed herself to be carried by the currents, surrendering to the soothing rhythm of the natural world.In the depths below, surrounded by the gentle murmur of the flowing water, Luna found a fleeting moment of tranquility. Here, amidst the silent embrace of the underwater realm, she could finally let go of the burdens that had weighed her down. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to drift, her body swaying in harmony with the ebb and flow of the currents.

Startled by a sudden intrusion, Luna's heart raced as she found herself lifted from the tranquil depths by the powerful grip of the enigmatic warrior. As they emerged from the water in a rush of splashes, she struggled to comprehend the surreal turn of events. Feeling the firm grasp of his arm around her waist, Luna's instincts urged her to resist, to break free from his hold. But as she met the gaze of his mask, she found herself captivated by the intensity of it, a mesmerizing blend of mystery and strength.

As Luna found herself seated in the predator's lap, she could sense the tension radiating from him. Though his words were incomprehensible to her, the urgency in his tone was unmistakable. Instinctively, she reached out to touch his masked face, her fingers tracing the intricate lines of the metal visage. At her touch, the predator stilled, his movements becoming almost imperceptible. Beneath the cold exterior of his mask, Luna could sense a multitude of emotions swirling beneath the surface—frustration, anger, perhaps even a hint of vulnerability. In that fleeting moment of connection, she felt a bond forming between them, transcending the barriers of language and species.

Wrapped in the predator's embrace, Luna felt a curious blend of comfort and apprehension. His chest was broad and sturdy, a protective barrier against the uncertainties of their surroundings. As he pulled her closer, she couldn't help but marvel at the juxtaposition of his rough exterior and the underlying warmth of his touch.Suddenly, a deep, rumbling noise filled the air, emanating from the predator's chest. It was a powerful, reverberating purr unlike anything Luna had ever heard before. In that moment, she felt a surge of unexpected affection towards the enigmatic creature, realizing that beneath his fearsome exterior lay a capacity for gentleness and compassion.

She could feel his hand playing with her wet hair, she liked it. "Why do I feel like I know you?" She whispered. He didn't answer. They stood there, for awhile. He purring and playing with her hair, and she content in his embrace.

Realizing she was naked, Luna's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She attempted to move, but the warrior's hold remained firm. "I need to get dressed," she exclaimed, feeling flustered. With a chuckle, the warrior reluctantly released her.

Mentally kicking herself for not reacting sooner, Luna quickly dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. She could feel the warrior's eyes on her the entire time, and suddenly, she felt self-conscious again. He had seen her naked, and her body was a colorful mess of matching cuts and scrapes.

She turned around to him, he was still sitting, watching. "Is the recon done?" She questioned wondering why he was here. The Warrior denied with his head. Luna frowned. "Why are you here then?" He cocked his head to side, as if he was the confused one, and pointed at her. "You here because of me?" She was surprised. He nodded. "Why?" Her heart was beating wildly.

He stared at her, thinking. In a seamless motion, he stood up. With a few strokes of his claws on his wrist device his mask spoke in a mix of voices. "Why .. on ...the water?"

Luna was surprised with his brusque change of subjects. "I was trying to think." 

He cocked his head to side again."Under... the... water?" He questioned.

"Yes... Under the water..." She raised a brow, confused. Luna saw as he visibly relaxed and laughed. Confused didn't even began to explain her state of mind.

"Thought... You .... Danger." His recordings were almost drowned by his booming guttural laugh.

Dumbfounded, Luna tried to make sense of the words. " You thought I was in danger?" He nodded still chuckling.

As Luna was about to ask more questions, the warrior's entire demeanor shifted. He turned his head to the side as if sensing something, and a low growl rumbled from his chest. Luna was both frightened and impressed by the sudden change. Then, he turned back to her and gestured with his hands for her to return to camp.

Still bewildered by his perplexing actions, Luna stood frozen in place as he gently cupped her face and pressed his forehead against hers. They remained like that for a few moments before he disappeared once again. Luna was left standing there, utterly perplexed. "What the fuck?" she muttered to herself, trying to make sense of the encounter.


As always....


See y'all soon!!!


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