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Luna's senses were muddled, her vision obscured by haze and pain. Despite the ringing in her ears, she could hear movements around her, accompanied by unsettling wet, grotesque sounds. Groaning with the effort, she attempted to shift, only to be met with searing agony coursing through her torso.

Realization washed over her in waves of despair and regret. She had been beaten, her body bearing the marks of violence inflicted upon her. Tears welled in her eyes as she grappled with the consequences of her recklessness. Two lives were lost because of her actions, and the sounds echoing around her suggested that others were meeting a similar fate.

In the midst of her pain and sorrow, Luna couldn't help but wonder why it had to unfold this way. She should have heeded Rafael's warnings, stayed away from danger. Instead, her impulsive decisions had led to this harrowing outcome, leaving her to grapple with the weight of guilt and remorse.

Summoning all her strength, Luna pushed through the agony, determined to remain conscious. With a groan, she struggled to sit up, every movement sending waves of pain rippling through her body. Using her hand to wipe her face, she cleared the haze from her vision, though her surroundings remained blurry.The cacophony of grotesque sounds had ceased, replaced by the murmur of voices. Through the fog of pain, Luna could discern someone speaking, their tone pleading, but the words eluded her comprehension.

A rough hand touched Luna's jaw with surprising delicacy, eliciting a mixture of emotions within her. She could hear the agitated growls and clicks emanating from the masked figure beside her. As her vision cleared, she caught sight of his imposing mask, but she couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze, consumed by shame and guilt.

Pulling away from his gentle touch, Luna shook her head faintly. "I'm okay," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. Despite her attempts to reassure him, the weight of her actions hung heavily upon her, a reminder of the lives she had taken.

Looking past his crouched form, the once green scenery was painted red. Scattered around, were limbs detached from someone's body. The vision didn't set well with her already grossed out stomach. She doubled over retching. She felt his hand making soothing circles on her back. Luna couldn't understand what was happening inside her brain. It was a mix of relief, anger and guilt.

Luna struggled to catch her breath as footsteps approached, sending a surge of fear coursing through her veins. She knew that soon they would discover what she had done, and the thought filled her with dread. She anticipated the inevitable backlash she would face—being cast out from the camp, hated by those she had once considered allies. There was no justification for her actions; while they may have been taunting her, she had taken their lives without hesitation. She berated herself for not considering other options, for not aiming for non-vital points, for not calling out for help. In that moment, she realized the weight of her choices and the consequences that would follow.

Luna's heart clenched as she surveyed the scene unfolding around her. Other Predators had emerged, one of them holding a barely alive man who cried and pleaded for his life incessantly. Beyond them, a group of humans advanced cautiously, their guns drawn. The air was thick with tension and the stench of fear, punctuated by retching and curses. Luna's gaze fixed on Rafael as he approached, his M4 at the ready, and she felt a mixture of dread and despair wash over her.

She tried to stand up, but swayed. Strong hands catching her. She looked at him in disbelief, why was him still trying to help her? He seated her down and pointed at her. His signal clear, he wanted her to stay. 

The Warrior turned around to face the shocked group of humans, Luna recognized a few off them. Her tired eyes were locked with Rafael's unbelieving gaze. His own eyes silently asking her what had happened.

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