That Person

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It’ll go like
You were mine
Till yesterday
I said we’ll be fine someday
I guess till yesterday
There were stars
Above my head
Till I asked one more time
And you said, go to bed

Go to bed
Rest your eyes, ur mind is spinning
Spare me some time
Just let go
One more time
Life’s not as short as you think sometimes

I want someone to call me at 12am
Facetime, mascara running down but they feel safe somehow with me on the other end
I want be that person that people say
Didn’t judge them no matter and helped through shit yesterday
And I know that that's a bit sad to say but

If i’m not someone’s lover, i wanna be that person

I wanna have someone cry on my shoulder
I wanna have someone wear my jacket when it’s colder
Romantic, platonic
I really don’t care
I just wanna be someone’s no matter where
Romantic, platonic
I really don’t care
I just wanna be somebody’s person no matter where

And you’ll say
Just grab my hand and i’ll be there
But you gotta let go I won’t be waiting
At your doorstep
I won’t come home
You’ll have to be alone

I had my happiness with one all along
But now no one wants me to be their own
Stop trying
Stop whining
Ur all alone
And ever
Ur all alone

I wanna “can you talk” text at 3am
I wanna be someone’s choice when they need help in the end
I wanna pick up the phone for someone else
Can someone be dependent on me like I am with everyone else
And i know that that’s wrong to say
But I wanna be that person to someone one day

I wanna have someone cry on my shoulder, wear my jacket when it's colder
I wanna have someone wrap their scarf around me in the winter
Show me the same love I show others over and over
Romantic, platonic
I really don’t care
I just wanna be someone’s person no matter where

Romantic, platonic
I really don’t care
I just wanna be someone’s person no matter where

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