If I'm Being Honest

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If I'm being honest

I'm good enough for me

Put out the roses

Tulips blossoming

10 days in my week

April rains for may to bloom for June to shine away

If I'm being honest

I don't need to bloom
I bloom and whither everyday
Rose petals in my room

But if I'm being honest
I may whither but never die

If I could see myself above my grave I would say:

When I die bury me in happiness
In strength and delight
But don't bury me with flowers
And meet me whilst you watch them die
Bury me with antique trinkets
The ones you cherished lovingly
And watch me fly high

I don't believe in angels
I don't believe in magic
I don't believe in much but I believe in
You but you sure are magical

Come meet me by my grave
And dance with me above

I'm talking to myself
Dance with me my beautiful
Dance with me above

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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