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Luci's POV

Does guy seriously finding pleasure in ruining every aspect of my life? I mean, it's like he's completely fixated on it, and that's just downright bizarre. I can't help but wonder what the heck Micheal is doing here. It's so random and unexpected. And hey, I'm really curious about what Sera has to share with us. There's definitely something important she wants us to know.

"Sera pleaded desperately, Micheal, no! Please, just stop.'" Her plea intensified the curiosity that had already gripped everyone in the room.

"Alright then, Sera, I suppose I'll lend you a hand," he responded, his voice carrying a hint of exasperation. Addressing the citizens of Heaven and the staff of the Hazbin Hotel, he made his announcement with a touch of authority. "We have reached a decision, and it's a resounding 'no'."

Confusion spread throughout the room, and I found myself just as perplexed. What was this man going on about? Undeterred, he continued with his rambling. "The trial's verdict is negative. Redemption is still not approved, and your examples are nothing more than coincidences."

I couldn't help but feel a surge of annoyance. Did this man have a death wish? Why couldn't he just leave us alone? I turned to the others, observing the peculiar expressions that adorned their faces. Cherri voiced the question on everyone's mind, "Who the fuck is that?" I shamefully nodded my head and admitted, "That's my brother, Michael." What you'd be ashamed too.

Understanding dawned, eliciting a collective "ooh." Alastor and Charlie were at it again,looking as if they were communicating in some mysterious, telepathic manner. The sight unsettled me. Charlie leaned in closely to Al's ear, whispering something that I couldn't quite make out. All I caught were fragments: "What if... tells everyone... the...posal." But now wasn't the time to fret over their secretive exchanges.

"Micheal, who granted you authority in the Seraphim Court?" I demanded, catching him off guard. Despite the surprise, he maintained his smug smile. "None of your fucking business, you short piece of shit," he retorted. It always astonished people when the Archangels transitioned so swiftly from regal and composed to snarky teenagers.

"Whoa, that's ya brother," Angel interjected with a mix of shock and amusement. "Oh my, I would've sliced off his dick and stuffed it down his throat by now if he spoke to me that way. Though I bet he'd enjoy that, wouldn't ya, ya sicko?" The remark elicited chuckles from some of the angels, and I couldn't help but snicker myself, savoring the sight of Michael's flustered expression.

"Go ahead, laugh all you want, kids," Micheal scoffed, my voice tinged with defiance. "But there's nothing you can do about my decision. It's over, so enjoy your last day here." With that, Michael and Sera turned to make their way onto the balcony, but their departure was abruptly halted by an intense, blinding light that engulfed us all.

And then, a voice resounded, filling the room with a divine presence. "It is I, the Holy One. Hello, my children." In unison, every angel, cherub, seraphim, and heavenly being bowed down before their king. "Michael, my child, why have you chosen the path of resistance? What has your brother ever done to you? High Seraphim, why do you deny them their dreams?" 

Despite the questions, it seemed that the answers mattered little to the almighty ruler. "No matter. I have heard the pleas of these sinners, and to my favorite son and his family, I bestow the gift of my heavenly blessing upon the Hazbin Hotel."

I can't quite explain it, perhaps it was the weight of the heavenly blessing or the restoration of my position as my father's favorite, but I found myself embracing Him. Yes, you heard that right—I hugged the almighty God Himself. Peering over His shoulder, I defiantly extended my middle finger in Michael's direction as he turned away and vanished. Screw him.

My smile only widened when Charlie let out a scream as she yelled "FUCK YA" and hugged eveyone one by one. How could things get any better.

ik it really rushed 
pls forgive me
Thanks for all the votes

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