Chapter 4: Derailing The Train

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Vale: Cemetery Wind Base: 1400 Hours.

After three days of the raid on Forever Falls, another meeting occured with the representatives of NEO-CEMETERY WIND. We would see them watching the footage of the raid last night as Pietro was feeling uneasy of the footage witnessing the sheer brutality. As for Alsie, she see's it as an absolute win for peace. Ironwood who's also watching the footage would stand up from his seat.

Ironwood: As you can see here. This only as the tip of the iceberg for NEO-CEMETERY WIND, as we have other White Fang bases to raid and reclaiming the stolen dust supplies. And I would like to credit Dr. Polendina and his Daughter for adding some modifications for the drones.

Pietro: Thank you, General.

Ironwood: You're welcome, Doctor. Now as I was saying, the next operation will be raiding Mt. Glenn. Why Mt. Glenn exactly? Is it because of Grimm? Or The White Fang? We're actually gonna eliminate both as according to the intel they'll use the stolen dust create a breach on the walls which will in term cause Chaos on Vale. When Vytal-Festival, The White Fang would then u leash a small horde of Grimm. Once the fear and terror which will attract the Grimm. Everyone in the Kingdom will die.

Viggo would raise his hand.

Viggo: I see, so Captain Hebi will be the one in charge of the operation?

Ironwood: Indeed he will be. As the footage demonstrate, he's somewhat of a brutal person when torturing the White Fang Lieutenant that killed his sister Nine months ago. But now, let's commence our operation in Mt. Glenn.

Meanwhile outside in the shooting range of the base, we'd see a lot of recruits testing their aims at the shooting targets using Automatic Pistols. As for Rache we would see him observing the recruits' progress. But he saw some soldiers who does something really stupid.

There is one Faunus recruit that was firing his automatic pistol while bending his elbow sharp to avoid the recoil and he gets a perfect shot. Rache would went and approach the recruit to observe him.

Rache: Again.

The Faunus recruit would use the same stance to avoid the recoil and fire four shots but only three shots were fire as the cartridge of the third bullet was stuck on the gun's hammer. Rache would approach him as the recruit would hand him his automatic pistol at Rache. Rache would eject the pistol's magazine and hands it over to the Faunus recruit.

Rache: I heard you used to own a Mechashift pistol weapon. And yet you still use the same technique on this pistol.

Rache would remove the cartridge from the gun and would then explain how his gun got jammed.

Rache: That's an automatic don't bother trying dampen the recoil. You do that with a revolver.

Rache would then walk towards the other recruits.

Rache We Cemetery Winds, are now a force to be reckoned with. We've got a lot of Corruption to lethally take down with. We're not some tribal militia. So don't act like one.

Rache would then walk back to the recruit he gave an advice with.

Rache: You will learn how a real soldier fights. You will forget everything on what those worthless scumbag Councilmans told you.

Rache would stop walking and faces himself to the recruits. And says something in a cold tone.

Rache: And if I catch you doing something'll know it.

Rache would walk back Infront of the Faunus recruit holding the gun's slide.

Rache: Engravings...Give you no tactical advantage whatsoever.

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