Prologue - Clouds

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Swirling, mixing, creating, growing. Ominously heavy clouds went the way of the wind in the distance, not quite breaking the barrier of rain yet. They towered upward in giant puffs- like irregularly shaped mountains led by rolling waves of threats- and hovered high above the dark ocean, casting their shadows down into the saltwater.

And what could the people do but watch these clouds approach? And watch the snow on the ground melt in a beginning stage of floods, and listen to the invisible sound of rotting wood crack under the weight of their floating city. Well, as the divine must have had decided, no city was ever meant to float on water. Sick of watching the impossible come true, one must assume they destroyed what they didn't esteem.

If you listened- really listened- you might have been able to hear the rats' screams as they drowned in their holes, unable to escape and find the world above. Or you perhaps could have heard the dripping of water, running down the pipes and onto the streets. Or even, you could have heard those clouds so far off in the distance, approaching with great intention.

It was not any one of these things that made the city flood. No, it was all of them combined. As it sunk and overflowed, so did the people, and they would leave or otherwise die, trapped like the rats.

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