Chapter 14: A Cousin Rivalry (Levi's POV)

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Cold feet that's what it is. It's that feeling of pulling away when something scary is about to commence. Losing Kelsi as a friend over physical touch seems wrong. But not touching her seems even worse. I told her I needed time between now and the ski trip to work things out. I wasn't lying when I said that, maybe I was stalling. Stalling to mull over the gain and the loss. It would transform our relationship forever because if I fuck up she could become an ex-girlfriend. I am not sure I ever want the word 'ex' to be used to describe my best friend. But if I don't take her on as a girlfriend she might become an ex-friend. Either way she might be an 'ex' something to me.

The next three days are crucial for me. I need to focus on my suspension assignments. Three math worksheets, a science documentary on ancient Rome with a five page essay on Julius Caesar to match. Mr. Jones didn't want to make my suspension easy. I also have to read half of a Shakespeare play and compare and contrast it to a movie. The play is a Midsummer Night's Dream. I don't know why I didn't get to read the Shakespeare play about Julius Caesar that would have made my life even easier. But this is Mr. Jones we're talking about he's always had a thing against me.

My math worksheets are my easiest assignments. To get motivated I complete them within the first hour. I watch a Midsummer's Night Dream and try to not fall asleep. I hate trying to understand Shakespeare. Why did they speak and write so differently back then? Why can't someone translate it to the modern tongue? Or maybe they have. Five hours later and my compare and contrast essay is done.

Beat that Mr. Jones!

Maybe being suspended and not having my peers around is better for my motivation. A knock at the door interrupts my motivation to finish all this work. I was hoping to get it all done tonight so I could get the next two days off.

Justin invites himself in. I wish my parents didn't have to work more hours they'd have turned Justin away. In fact they don't even know I'm suspended. I'll let them know after I've served my sentence. That's one of the joys of being an eighteen year old in highschool. I get to make some adult decisions without my parents knowing.

"So it's true you really are suspended. Don't worry I'll keep my eyes on Kelsi for you while you're gone. I doubt she even misses you."

Does he really think threatening me in my own house without an audience to watch him is worth it?

"What's this really about? Just leave." I open the door and offer for him to go. That's as cordial as I can be for a student suspended over their own flesh and blood.

"It's about everything. You've always been better at me, you know that? Well I'm sick of it. You always got whatever you wanted and now it's my turn to tell you not this time. You always got the better grades and you could have Orion's sister but no you had to get Kelsi too. How's that fair?"

Is Justin jealous of me? He's the one who threatened Kelsi and I got suspended for defending her honor.

"I don't always get everything I want. I want to be back in school but you stopped that from happening. Kelsi hasn't made up her mind about any of this. So would you just leave me alone? We can hash this out on the slopes."

I've got Justin right where I want him. He's not one to say no to a competition. If it's something he thinks he can win he's all in no questions asked.

"Alright. It's a deal cousin. You and I will compete in all the events on the ski trip and the winner gets Kelsi. The loser has to do the winner's homework for the rest of the semester."

He holds his hand out and I accept his challenge. It's the only thing I can do to get him to leave both my house and Kelsi alone for the next few days. As for competing against Justin that won't be a problem. Just because I don't do school sports doesn't mean I am not athletically inclined at a few things. I've been in ski club for years and can figure the rest out as I go.

I grab his hand and he squeezes mine like he means business. Of course he means business his sex life is about to get blown out of the water and even if I lose everything it's still Kelsi's choice. That's Justin's blind spot. His pride gets in the way of seeing that Kelsi's her own person and if she chooses me then it's game over. Kelsi won't care about the results of this ski competition and why should she?

I squeeze his hand back and our palms get sweaty. Justin puts his forehead against mine and presses as hard as he can until the pressure builds up. I push him off.

"Get out of here punk ass bitch. I don't want to see you until the ski trip. Leave me and Kelsi alone until the weekend got it?"

"Yeah got it. See you friday, Levi." He leaves and slams the door as hard as he can on his way out. The door recoils when Justin releases it and springs back as it slams back into place.

I return to my homework to calm me down. This incident with my cousin doesn't need to ruin the fact that I get the next two days off if I finish tonight. I can use the next two days to rest up and practice for the big ski competition. Despite whoever Kelsi chooses I just want to kick my cousin's ass at something once and for all and maybe get him suspended in the process.

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