Chapter 7: Wanting Levi (Kelsi's POV)

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Everyone has left and the after party is Scarlett interrogating me. It's not that I don't want Scarlett to ask me questions about Levi and Justin. If I have feelings for Levi though, then things could get interesting quickly. The sparks between Levi and me in that closet were undeniable. If anyone were to have walked in on us they would have thought we were madly in love. But this is Levi we're talking about. Levi the boy who used to pull my pigtails and thought it was funny. Levi the confident preteen who graciously waited outside the changing room while my mother embarrassingly brought training bras for me to try on when I was eleven.

I can't imagine a life without Levi in it. What if I choose Justin Baron over Levi Baron then what would become of us? What I don't want to have happen is finding out that my best friend actually likes me and then I'm with his cousin. If Levi likes me why doesn't he just say it? Then again if I like him back why don't I say it either? Is it because of the pact we made all those years ago?

"Now that everyone's gone you have to tell me everything." Oh joy nothing like telling Scarlett all about my make-out session with Levi.

"It's Levi what do you think happened?"

"Did you like kissing Levi?" She continues her prying of my life. She can be like a pair of tweezers squeezing the splinter from the skin. The problem with splinters is that sometimes they break off and dig deeper into the skin causing more pain to form. She might act like tweezers but it doesn't mean she will get all my secrets out with a single conversation.

"Again this is Levi we're talking about. Yeah, we kissed a little so what? It was only a game. You know I like Justin anyway." My memories go back to the first time I kissed Justin when my mind went blank and wandered to Levi. Who does Levi think he is making his way into my thoughts?

"Of course, I know that but does Levi really know that or understand it?"

"What the hell does that even mean, Scarlett?" I know what it means, she wants me to consider Levi's feelings. But to consider his feelings means he might like me and I might like him back. I'm not ready to throw away years of a good friendship because...I like him.

"It means dummy that if Levi ever liked you and you didn't do something about it you could hurt his feelings. Let's be honest the two of you have some pretty intense chemistry together." I hate that her words speak the truth. She wasn't even in the room when Levi and I kissed and yet she knows it's true.

"We're just friends, Scarlett. There's no way Levi Baron has ever looked at me that way." I know what I am saying is a lie. Down to my bones, it's a lie. He and I have spent many hours looking at each other like there was something else to say. That intense stare that two people share across a room that freezes time right along with it.

"Well if he's not looking at you that way you certainly look at him that way." I hate it when she implies that I like Levi. The more we talk about Levi the more I want to see him. Damn, she almost has me pegged.

"Since when are you team Levi anyway? I thought we were trying to get me and Justin together. Or have you changed your mind about helping me?"

As I approach the next conversation I realize the ski trip is just around the corner. I need to practice ice skating and downhill skiing before that happens. I sure hope Levi takes me on a ski lift.

"I haven't changed my mind I just want to make sure you know who you like. And it's okay if you like Levi you know?" Is it okay though? We have a pact and Levi's a man of his word. He's certainly reminded me of that over the years.

"No, it's not okay. He's my best friend and...we made a pact. Will you drop the Levi thing already? Sure we almost kissed the other night but that does not mean anything."

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