Chapter 16: The Gas Station (Levi's POV)

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Mr. Jones is following closely behind me in his ancient jeep. His green jeep has seen better days and the paint is peeling away. Despite his own hardships he didn't have any issues adding to mine when he piled on the homework during my suspension. I suspect he's following me to make sure I actually make it to Avalanche Acres on time. Or he suspects I am going elsewhere. It's not my fault I give off the 'up to no good' vibes lately.

A gas station appears on the horizon. My tank is half full and doesn't need more gas. I turn off to confirm my suspicions about Mr. Jones. If he's actually following me around he'll pull over too. I park the car and head inside the gas station to get a round of snacks.

"If you want anything just text me okay, babe?"

I really need to stop calling Kelsi 'babe.' I can't help it. It's like our relationship has already started without me asking her out. I want to ask her at just the right moment. One in which Justin won't sneak up on me and scare me off. Or one where I don't get sucker punched in the gut first.

"Alright, babe. I'll text you," Kelsi replies and looks up at me with those favorite brown eyes of hers. She's never called me that before. Is she implying that this playful banter of nicknames that has transcended between us is okay? I sure hope that's the case.

"I'll have a water. Thanks, Levi." Scarlett is quick to reply but doesn't look at Kelsi or me. I turn away from Kelsi and she grabs my hand for a brief second. She leans in to kiss me. We both know Scarlett is enjoying watching her best friends fall for each other. We almost can't help ourselves. I close the gap between Kelsi's lips and mine. I kiss her briefly and pull away to get our order.

As suspected Mr. Jones opens the door for me with a large goofy grin on his face. If he were a student I'd punch him for that cheesy smile. To bad he's a staff member and I'd get in trouble.

"So stopping for a snack are we, Levi? That's good. I see your girlfriend decided to join you after all. It's not every day that best friends start dating. For that I am happy for you. But I must warn you, any funny business on this trip, any at all, and I will be sure to get you suspended even further to the point that your homework will be blessed with detention."

Mr. Jones appears to be enjoying dishing out my upcoming death sentence. I swear adults like him are trying to make up for something they lack. In his case he'd better get laid and fast.

"Yes, sir. I'm buying snacks for my best friends. And I don't have a girlfriend. At least I don't think I do."

"Are you sure about that? I saw you and Kelsi Long lean in to kiss just now. I was young once, I know the drill. If you have feelings for her tell her before you can't. That's my biggest regret."

Is Mr. Jones being nice to me? But a moment ago he was threatening to suspend me more if I do anything funny this weekend. Unless his role or chaperone calls him to lay it on thick.

"What's your biggest regret?" I try caring about his words but wonder if any of this is true or if it's an act. I hate it when adults put bullshit analogies in my face to use as a teaching lesson for later. If it didn't actually happen then why pretend it did?

"That I didn't tell Ava how I felt. She's dead now and I never told her how I felt. We were best friends in college and then she died. Her heart gave out on her one night and she had a heart attack. She died at the age of twenty. I went to her funeral and mourned what could have been. I put flowers on her grave every spring. My point is if you care for Kelsi, don't wait. I don't want you to end up like me. Scared and alone and with nothing better to do on a weekend accept play chaperone to a bunch of adolescents."

He pulls out his credit card and takes the snacks from my hands.

"As for your snacks, Mr. Levi, I'm buying them. You aren't a bad kid. You never were. And that stuff I said about suspending you further goes along with my job description I'm afraid. Don't worry about your cousin Justin I'm keeping two eyes on him this weekend. I know he's caused you grieve. Your classmates gossiped enough that us teachers, well the ones really paying attention, know what's up."

He hands his credit card to the large cashier. The cashier's hands are like two large sausages. I sure wish I were that strong.

"Thanks for the snacks. And I'm sorry about Ava. I bet you would have made each other very happy."

He holds the door open for me and I take him up on his gesture. Mr. Jones might be strict but when it comes to having my best interest at heart, perhaps he can be trusted after all.

Mr. Jones stays behind and continues shopping. I leave the gas station parking lot with Kelsi's hand in mine. Mr. Jones' jeep is still parked. Scarlett chugs her drink loudly in the back seat.

It's clear Mr. Jones doesn't plan on following me all the way to Avalanche Acres. Maybe he merely followed me to give me a kind word. I'm not going to fault him for that, if that's true. The snow continues to fall as the sign for Avalanche Acres appears in my windshield.

"Welcome to Avalanche Acres, ladies," I say as I pull into the parking lot. I know this weekend will define my relationship with Kelsi forever and I want to do right by her. It's nice to know Mr. Jones believes me and has my back. That gives me room to breathe a little as I figure out my master plan for asking Kelsi to be my girlfriend.

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