Chapter 20: Goodbye Justin! (Levi's POV)

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Scumbag! Vagabond! Jackass! Hoodlum! Neanderthal! Jerk-a-saurus! Rat bastard! Mother fucker!

My mind can't stop forming insult after insult to describe my dumbass cousin. Who does that worthless worm think he is anyway? He could have killed Kelsi, paralyzed her for life, or she could have broken something. What was he thinking pulling a deadly stunt like that? That's his problem he never thinks he only acts. He was only being selfish. That's all he's good for these days. Pure selfishness. He must get that from my aunt's side of the family because Baron's at least the ones under my dad's roof would never try to get away with murder.

The staff are talking to Mr. Jones who is talking with the doctors. At one point the police came and spoke to me. They urged me to ask Kelsi to make a statement about her whole weekend. It's going to be a tough conversation but better late than never.

"Hey, Kelsi. I just wanted to see how you're doing. Sorry, that took me so long. The cops had a lot of questions about my cousin. The good news is Avalanche Acres has agreed to ban my cousin for life from their property as long as they're in business. The bad news is they want you to consider pressing charges." Kelsi's half smile disappears instantly.

"I don't want to press charges. I just want him to leave me alone for the rest of my life. Why do I have to talk? I'm the victim here not him."

Kelsi isn't thinking straight. I doubt I would be able to think clearly if my boyfriend's cousin just tried to injure me. I've never been pushed off a ski lift so I can't exactly relate to her.

"It's not like that at all. They just want you to make a statement confirming his attempted murder and for assaulting you with that kiss. They want to confirm it happened. Get a statement and find you a lawyer. He doesn't have to get away with anything. But if you don't talk now something else might happen to you and I can't stand the thought of him hurting you more than he already has. Please do this for me or at least consider it. You really scared me today. I'm only asking because I love you and you matter to me."

Orion and Scarlett arrive on the scene just in time to hear me say 'I love you' to Kelsi. I suppose now's a good time to tell them we are dating. We didn't want to tell them this weekend but our situation has changed.

"Wait did you just say you love Kelsi? When did this happen? And why is Kelsi in the medical wing? What happened?"

I sit down with my friends and give them the shortened version of everything that's happened since last night. From the hot tub escapades to the ski lift murder plot. The last twenty-four hours sound like a romance film turned to a horror movie with Justin playing the role of the murderous serial killer.

"I can't believe he tried to hurt Kelsi like that. I am so grateful the skiers below noticed. There's definitely a guardian angel watching over our Kelsi," Scarlett says as she hugs Kelsi with tears in her eyes.

Mr. Jones comes over to our group of friends as we sit around Kelsi who's still resting on the medical wing bed.

"Are you going to make a statement for the police?" Mr. Jones asks as he interrupts our conversation.

"Yes, I am. I was hoping I could write it by hand. I think it would help me get my words out better," Kelsi replies as she takes a sip of water. I take the bottle from her and give her space to chat with Mr. Jones.

"That's a swell idea. I'll let them know right away. And as for you young man I am proud of how quickly you acted in the moment. Not everyone could have caught their friend's hand as quickly as you did. Let alone hold it for as long as you did."

"Girlfriend, sir. Kelsi's my girlfriend. And it was nothing really. I did what any decent human would have done." He puts his hand on my shoulders and smiles. We both know he's proud of me somehow.

"That's where we disagree. For your actions, Avalanche Acres is granting you access to all their sister companies free of charge for life. That means you can go to any Avalanche Acres resort in the country free of charge without making a reservation. The same goes for Kelsi and they are also giving her a refund for the weekend. They hope that's enough of an apology to keep Kelsi's family from suing them." Mr. Jones' eyes look over at Kelsi who picks up on his words.

"I'm not going to sue them, Mr. Jones. Justin's the one who did this on their property. Of course, I don't blame them."

Kelsi gets up and tries to walk. She didn't injure or break anything. The fall made some form of vertigo pop up. If I had fallen onto a makeshift catch net I'd be dizzy too.

Mr. Jones helps me take Kelsi to my car. Our weekend fun at Avalanche Acres is coming to an end soon. Mr. Jones has given us permission to leave the resort to go on a double date with Orion and Scarlett. Orion decided to jump on the get-a-girlfriend this weekend bandwagon. Apparently, I'm a trendsetter.

Scarlett and Orion pile into the back of my car. Mr. Jones stops me before I get into the driver's seat.

"Thanks again for taking care of Kelsi when you did. The school would have likely fired me if you didn't do that. A student dying or getting paralyzed would have ended my career. Here's some cash to pay for your dinner. It's the least I can do. It's my way of saying thanks. Will you be returning to the resort later in the evening?"

I'm sure he's curious if Kelsi has decided to stay some more or wants to leave.

"I think we're staying but we might be done snowboarding. We might just watch everyone else enjoy the slopes tomorrow. I'll do what Kelsi wants to. But yeah we'll be back to stay the night. And thanks for paying for dinner."

I leave Mr. Jones and get into the car. Kelsi is sitting in the passenger seat and before I can sit down she's already decided to hold my hand in front of Orion and Scarlett. Scarlett squeaks that we are together. Apparently, she's wanted this for us for a long time and I had no idea.

We sing to numerous country songs as we drive along the snow cover roads. I don't care how this double date turns out. Nothing can scare me anymore, except Kelsi falling off a ski lift again. I don't see that happening anytime soon. I'm with my friends and I'm optimistic that the rest of the weekend will be a lot better now that Justin is out of our lives.

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